/** * Heti add-on v 0.1.0 * Add right spacing between CJK & ANS characters */ import Finder from 'heti-findandreplacedomtext' // 正则表达式来自 pangu.js https://github.com/vinta/pangu.js const CJK = '\u2e80-\u2eff\u2f00-\u2fdf\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30fa\u30fc-\u30ff\u3100-\u312f\u3200-\u32ff\u3400-\u4dbf\u4e00-\u9fff\uf900-\ufaff' const A = 'A-Za-z\u0370-\u03ff' const N = '0-9' const S = '`~!@#\\$%\\^&\\*\\(\\)-_=\\+\\[\\]{}\\\\\\|;:\'",<.>\\/\\?' const ANS = `${A}${N}${S}` const HETI_NON_CONTIGUOUS_ELEMENTS = Object.assign({}, Finder.NON_CONTIGUOUS_PROSE_ELEMENTS, { // Inline elements ins: 1, del: 1, s: 1, }) const HETI_SKIPPED_ELEMENTS = Object.assign({}, Finder.NON_PROSE_ELEMENTS, { pre: 1, code: 1, sup: 1, sub: 1, // Heti elements 'heti-spacing': 1, }) const HETI_SKIPPED_CLASS = 'heti-skip' const hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty const REG_FULL = `(?<=[${CJK}])( *[${ANS}]+(?: +[${ANS}]+)* *)(?=[${CJK}])` const REG_FULL_FIX = `(?:[${CJK}])( *[${ANS}]+(?: +[${ANS}]+)* *)(?=[${CJK}])` const REG_START = `([${ANS}]+(?: +[${ANS}]+)* *)(?=[${CJK}])` const REG_END = `(?<=[${CJK}])( *[${ANS}]+(?: +[${ANS}]+)*)` const REG_END_FIX = `(?:[${CJK}])( *[${ANS}]+(?: +[${ANS}]+)*)` class Heti { constructor (rootSelector) { let supportLookBehind = true try { new RegExp(`(?<=\d)\d`, 'g').test('') } catch (err) { console.info(err.name, '该浏览器尚未实现 RegExp positive lookbehind') supportLookBehind = false } this.rootSelector = rootSelector || '.heti' this.REG_FULL = new RegExp(supportLookBehind ? REG_FULL : REG_FULL_FIX, 'g') this.REG_START = new RegExp(REG_START, 'g') this.REG_END = new RegExp(supportLookBehind ? REG_END : REG_END_FIX, 'g') this.offsetWidth = supportLookBehind ? 0 : 1 this.funcForceContext = function forceContext (el) { return hasOwn.call(HETI_NON_CONTIGUOUS_ELEMENTS, el.nodeName.toLowerCase()) // return true } this.funcFilterElements = function filterElements (el) { return ( !(el.classList && el.classList.contains(HETI_SKIPPED_CLASS)) && !hasOwn.call(HETI_SKIPPED_ELEMENTS, el.nodeName.toLowerCase()) ) } } spacingElements (elmList) { for (let $$root of elmList) { this.spacingElement($$root) } } spacingElement ($$elm) { const commonConfig = { forceContext: this.funcForceContext, filterElements: this.funcFilterElements, } const getWrapper = function (classList, text) { const $$r = document.createElement('heti-spacing') $$r.className = classList $$r.textContent = text.trim() return $$r } Finder($$elm, Object.assign({}, commonConfig, { find: this.REG_FULL, replace: portion => getWrapper('heti-spacing-start heti-spacing-end', portion.text), offset: this.offsetWidth, })) Finder($$elm, Object.assign({}, commonConfig, { find: this.REG_START, replace: portion => getWrapper('heti-spacing-start', portion.text), })) Finder($$elm, Object.assign({}, commonConfig, { find: this.REG_END, replace: portion => getWrapper('heti-spacing-end', portion.text), offset: this.offsetWidth, })) } autoSpacing () { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const $$rootList = document.querySelectorAll(this.rootSelector) for (let $$root of $$rootList) { this.spacingElement($$root) } }) } } export default Heti