Data convertion

This commit is contained in:
zhbaor 2022-09-28 09:39:43 +08:00
parent 0579a6b0ba
commit 8b847e0f9c
3 changed files with 380 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

data/convert/31-0/ Executable file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import re
with open("../../extraction/raw-31-0/data.cdb.json") as f:
raw = json.load(f)
with open("../../clean/31-0/") as f:
trans = json.load(f)
lines = raw["sheets"][1]["lines"]
melee = []
for i in lines:
if i["group"] == 4:
i["name"] = trans[i["name"]]["msgstr"][0]
if "ambiantDesc" in i:
i["ambiantDesc"] = trans[i["ambiantDesc"].strip()]["msgstr"][0]
if "gameplayDesc" in i:
i["gameplayDesc"] = trans[i["gameplayDesc"].strip()]["msgstr"][0]
if i["props"]:
def replace_props(m):
result = i["props"][]
if isinstance(result, list):
result = result[0]
if not isinstance(result, str):
result = str(result)
return result
i["gameplayDesc"], _ = re.subn(
r"::\+?(.*?)::", replace_props, i["gameplayDesc"]
print(json.dumps(melee, ensure_ascii=False))

data/convert/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
# 数据转换
`data.cdb` 中的数据为 JSON 格式,随着死亡细胞版本的升级,里面的内容格式也会发生变化,因此比较好的处理方式是从中抽取需要的数据,保存为 SQLite 数据库文件,便于管理,也比较稳定。
以下是 `data.cdb` 中数据的解析:
- `sheets[1]["props"]["separatorTitles"]` 字符串数组,下面的 `group` 字段即为此数组的索引。
- `sheets[1]["lines"]` 对象数组,其中为武器、技能等。例:
- 双向弩弓塔:
"synergy": [],
"props": {
"duration2": 0.09,
"targetable": true,
"dps": [45],
"life": 100,
"count": 2,
"effectCD": 0.4
"gameplayDesc": "Tire sur ::count:: ennemis proches à la fois, chaque tir infligeant ::+dps:: DPS.",
"moneyCost": 1750,
"group": 0,
"castCD": 10,
"id": "HorizontalTurret",
"icon": { "x": 1, "y": 0, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [{ "affix": "SuperPierce" }],
"name": "Auto-balète double",
"droppable": true,
"tags": [
{ "tag": "Ranged" },
{ "tag": "HasBullets" },
{ "tag": "Deployable" },
{ "tag": "NeedPower" },
{ "tag": "UnlockInPublicEvent" }
"tier1": "Tactic",
"cellCost": 5
- 步兵手雷:
"synergy": [],
"props": { "range": 4.5, "coolDown": 0.6, "power": [90] },
"gameplayDesc": "Rapide à utiliser, mais inflige des dégâts modérés.",
"moneyCost": 1250,
"group": 1,
"castCD": 4,
"id": "FastGrenade",
"icon": { "x": 6, "y": 8, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [{ "affix": "Oil" }],
"name": "Grenade d'infanterie",
"droppable": true,
"tags": [
{ "tag": "Ranged" },
{ "tag": "Explosive" },
{ "tag": "ShortCooldown" },
{ "tag": "UnlockInPublicEvent" }
"tier1": "Brutality",
"cellCost": 0
- 稻草人装束:无瑕:
"props": { "movePauseMul": 99999 },
"genTags": 544,
"pfCost": 1,
"blueprints": [],
"maxPerRoom": 0,
"group": 2,
"canBeElite": false,
"mobTags": [],
"index": 107,
"id": "Scarecrow",
"weight": 500,
"icon": { "x": 44, "y": 23, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"life": 500000,
"name": "Scarecrow",
"minPfHeight": 0,
"minPfSize": 0,
"metaItems": [],
"maxPerPlatform": 0,
"score": 0,
"flesh1": 11562569,
"skill": []
- 死亡之球:
"synergy": [],
"props": {
"speed": 0.11,
"power": 50,
"dps": 125,
"count": 6,
"distance": 25,
"size": 2,
"tick": 0.18,
"duration": 12
"gameplayDesc": "Crée une orbe dévastatrice qui se déplace lentement.",
"moneyCost": 1750,
"group": 3,
"castCD": 20,
"id": "SlowOrb",
"icon": { "x": 13, "y": 0, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [{ "affix": "DoubleSpeed" }],
"name": "Orbe de mort",
"droppable": true,
"tags": [{ "tag": "Ranged" }],
"tier1": "Survival",
"cellCost": 50
- 生锈的刀
"synergy": [],
"props": {},
"moneyCost": 1,
"group": 4,
"castCD": 0,
"ambiantDesc": "Peut servir à tuer des gens.",
"id": "StartSword",
"icon": { "x": 18, "y": 0, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Epée rouillée",
"droppable": false,
"tags": [{ "tag": "NoCritical" }, { "tag": "RustyItem" }],
"tier1": "Brutality",
"cellCost": 0
- 初学者弓箭:
"synergy": [],
"props": { "ammo": 6 },
"gameplayDesc": "Les munitions reviennent quand vous achevez les ennemis.",
"moneyCost": 1,
"group": 5,
"castCD": 0,
"ambiantDesc": "C'est le jouet du fils du geolier. On doit bien pouvoir tuer quelques trucs avec ça.",
"id": "StartBow",
"icon": { "x": 0, "y": 1, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Arc du fils du geolier",
"droppable": false,
"tags": [
{ "tag": "Ranged" },
{ "tag": "NoCritical" },
{ "tag": "HasBullets" },
{ "tag": "LimitedAmmo" },
{ "tag": "RustyItem" }
"tier1": "Tactic",
- 老木盾:
"synergy": [],
"props": {},
"gameplayDesc": "Maintenir pour absorber une partie des dégâts.\nAppuyer brièvement pour tenter une {parade@PA} et annuler les dégâts.",
"moneyCost": 1,
"group": 6,
"castCD": 0,
"id": "StartShield",
"icon": { "x": 0, "y": 3, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Vieux bouclier en bois",
"droppable": false,
"tags": [
{ "tag": "Shield" },
{ "tag": "NegligibleDamage" },
{ "tag": "RustyItem" }
"tier1": "Survival",
"cellCost": 0
- 囚者颈环:
"synergy": [],
"props": {},
"moneyCost": 1,
"group": 7,
"castCD": 0,
"ambiantDesc": "Rien de notable, si ce n'est une odeur persistante de rat crevé.",
"id": "PrisonerCloth",
"icon": { "x": 1, "y": 4, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Collier de prisonnier",
"droppable": false,
"tags": [{ "tag": "NoDamage" }],
"cellCost": 0
- 钥匙:
"synergy": [],
"props": { "highActivationPriority": true },
"gameplayDesc": "Ouvre les portes verrouillées (original, non ?)",
"moneyCost": 0,
"group": 8,
"castCD": 0,
"id": "GenericKey",
"icon": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Clé",
"droppable": false,
"tags": [{ "tag": "Key" }],
"cellCost": 0
- 藤蔓符文:
"synergy": [],
"props": {},
"gameplayDesc": "Cette rune {permanente@PE} permet de faire pousser des vignes grimpantes.",
"moneyCost": 0,
"group": 9,
"castCD": 0,
"id": "LadderKey",
"icon": { "x": 5, "y": 3, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Rune des vignes",
"droppable": false,
"tags": [{ "tag": "MetaKey" }],
"cellCost": 0
- 威力卷轴:
"synergy": [],
"props": { "highActivationPriority": true },
"gameplayDesc": "Améliore l'une de vos 3 caractéristiques au choix !",
"moneyCost": 2500,
"group": 10,
"castCD": 0,
"id": "AnyUp",
"icon": { "x": 11, "y": 2, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Parchemin de puissance",
"droppable": false,
"tags": [{ "tag": "TierUpgrade" }],
"cellCost": 0
- 贤者之石碎片:
"synergy": [],
"props": {
"power": 75000,
"disableFloatAnim": true,
"chance": 0,
"highActivationPriority": true
"gameplayDesc": "Vous êtes officiellement la créature la plus riche de l'île. Ce petit bijou sans la moindre imperfection vaut ::$power::{iconCoin@img} !",
"moneyCost": 0,
"group": 11,
"castCD": 0,
"id": "LegendGem",
"icon": { "x": 17, "y": 11, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Fragment de Pierre Philosophale",
"droppable": false,
"tags": [],
"cellCost": 0
- 杀戮天性:
"synergy": [],
"props": {
"scaledValueCap": 3,
"actcdrIncPerTier": 0.11,
"actcdr": 0.4
"gameplayDesc": "Réduit les délais de réutilisation des compétences de ::actcdr:: sec pour chaque ennemi tué au corps à corps.",
"moneyCost": 0,
"group": 12,
"castCD": 0,
"id": "P_CDR_Kill",
"icon": { "x": 1, "y": 13, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Inspiration meurtrière",
"droppable": true,
"tags": [],
"tier1": "Brutality",
"cellCost": 0
- 经典装束:
"synergy": [],
"props": { "revealedAtStart": true },
"gameplayDesc": "Avec elle, vous avez fait (et ferez encore) les 400 coups.",
"moneyCost": 0,
"group": 13,
"castCD": 0,
"id": "PrisonerDefault",
"icon": { "x": 13, "y": 14, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Tenue classique",
"droppable": false,
"tags": [],
"cellCost": 0
- 饮血者:
"synergy": [{ "tag": "Bleed", "trigger": false }],
"props": { "prct": 0.03 },
"gameplayDesc": "Every hit against a bleeding target heals you for ::prct::% of your max health. ",
"moneyCost": 0,
"group": 14,
"castCD": 0,
"id": "ASP_BloodDrinker",
"icon": { "x": 2, "y": 19, "file": "cardIcons.png", "size": 24 },
"legendAffixes": [],
"name": "Blood Drinker",
"droppable": true,
"tags": [{ "tag": "NeedManualUnlock" }],
"cellCost": 0
- `group` 为 15 的是 `BossRushStatueUnlock`,意义不明
先做近战武器。在 `` 中提取了所有近战数据。数据的 `name``gameplayDesc``ambiantDesc` 需要翻译。其中 `name` 一定存在,其余两者不一定存在;这两者有可能有多余的空格,所以需要去掉多余的空格;`gameplayDesc` 中有 `::duration::` 格式的部分,对应的值在 `props` 属性中,需要进行替换。