// Size of canvas var width; var height; var listenToSimulator=true; //enables key down listener on the simulator var createNode=false //Flag to create node when its value ==true var stopWire=true //flag for stopoing making Nodes when the second terminal reaches a Node (closed path) uniqueIdCounter = 0; // To be deprecated unit = 10; // size of each division/ not used everywhere, to be deprecated wireToBeChecked = 0; // when node disconnects from another node willBeUpdated = false; // scheduleUpdate() will be called if true objectSelection = false; // Flag for object selection errorDetected = false; // Flag for error detection prevErrorMessage = undefined; // Global variable for error messages prevShowMessage = undefined; // Global variable for error messages updatePosition = true; // Flag for updating position updateSimulation = true; // Flag for updating simulation updateCanvas = true; // Flag for rendering gridUpdate = true; // Flag for updating grid updateSubcircuit = true; // Flag for updating subCircuits loading = false; // Flag - all assets are loaded DPR = 1; // devicePixelRatio, 2 for retina displays, 1 for low resolution displays projectSaved = true; // Flag for project saved or not lightMode = false; // To be deprecated layoutMode = false; // Flag for mode forceResetNodes = true; // FLag to reset all Nodes //Exact same name as object constructor //This list needs to be updated when new circuitselements are created function setupElementLists() { $('#menu').empty(); window.circuitElementList = metadata.circuitElementList; window.annotationList = metadata.annotationList; window.inputList = metadata.inputList; window.subCircuitInputList = metadata.subCircuitInputList; window.moduleList = [...circuitElementList, ...annotationList] window.updateOrder = ["wires", ...circuitElementList, "nodes", ...annotationList]; // Order of update window.renderOrder = [...(moduleList.slice().reverse()), "wires", "allNodes"]; // Order of render function createIcon(element) { return `


`; } let elementHierarchy = metadata.elementHierarchy; for (category in elementHierarchy) { let htmlIcons = ''; let categoryData = elementHierarchy[category]; for (let i = 0; i < categoryData.length; i++) { let element = categoryData[i]; htmlIcons += createIcon(element); } let accordionData = `
`; $('#menu').append(accordionData); } } // setupElementLists() // circuitElementList = [ // "Input", "Output", "NotGate", "OrGate", "AndGate", "NorGate", "NandGate", "XorGate", "XnorGate", "SevenSegDisplay", "SixteenSegDisplay", "HexDisplay", // "Multiplexer", "BitSelector", "Splitter", "Power", "Ground", "ConstantVal", "ControlledInverter", "TriState", "Adder", "Rom", "RAM", "EEPROM", "TflipFlop", // "JKflipFlop", "SRflipFlop", "DflipFlop", "TTY", "Keyboard", "Clock", "DigitalLed", "Stepper", "VariableLed", "RGBLed", "SquareRGBLed", "RGBLedMatrix", "Button", "Demultiplexer", // "Buffer", "SubCircuit", "Flag", "MSB", "LSB", "PriorityEncoder", "Tunnel", "ALU", "Decoder", "Random", "Counter", "Dlatch", "TB_Input", "TB_Output", "ForceGate", // ]; // annotationList = ["Text", "Rectangle", "Arrow"] // moduleList = [...circuitElementList, ...annotationList] // updateOrder = ["wires", ...circuitElementList, "nodes", ...annotationList]; // Order of update // renderOrder = [...(moduleList.slice().reverse()), "wires", "allNodes"]; // Order of render // // Exact same name as object constructor // // All the combinational modules which give rise to an value(independently) // inputList = ["Random","Buffer", "Stepper", "Ground", "Power", "ConstantVal", "Input", "Clock", "Button","Dlatch","JKflipFlop","TflipFlop","SRflipFlop","DflipFlop"]; // subCircuitInputList=["Clock", "Button","Buffer", "Stepper", "Ground", "Power", "ConstantVal","Dlatch","JKflipFlop","TflipFlop","SRflipFlop","DflipFlop"] // inputList = ["Random", "Dlatch", "JKflipFlop", "TflipFlop", "SRflipFlop", "DflipFlop", "Buffer", "Stepper", "Ground", "Power", "ConstantVal", "Input", "Clock", "Button", "Counter"]; // subCircuitInputList = ["Random", "Dlatch", "JKflipFlop", "TflipFlop", "SRflipFlop", "DflipFlop", "Buffer", "Stepper", "Ground", "Power", "ConstantVal", "Clock", "Button", "Counter"]; //Scope object for each circuit level, globalScope for outer level scopeList = {}; // Helper function to show error function showError(error) { errorDetected = true; if (error == prevErrorMessage) return; prevErrorMessage = error; var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); $('#MessageDiv').append(""); setTimeout(function() { prevErrorMessage = undefined; $('#' + id).fadeOut(); }, 1500); } function showRestricted() { $('#restrictedDiv').removeClass("display--none"); // Show no help text for restricted elements $("#Help").removeClass("show"); $('#restrictedDiv').html("The element has been restricted by mentor. Usage might lead to deduction in marks"); } function hideRestricted() { $('#restrictedDiv').addClass("display--none"); } function updateRestrictedElementsList() { if (restrictedElements.length === 0) return; const restrictedCircuitElementsUsed = globalScope.restrictedCircuitElementsUsed; let restrictedStr = ""; restrictedCircuitElementsUsed.forEach((element) => { restrictedStr += `${element}, `; }); if (restrictedStr === "") { restrictedStr = "None"; } else { restrictedStr = restrictedStr.slice(0, -2); } $("#restrictedElementsDiv--list").html(restrictedStr); } function updateRestrictedElementsInScope(scope = globalScope) { // Do nothing if no restricted elements if (restrictedElements.length === 0) return; let restrictedElementsUsed = []; restrictedElements.forEach((element) => { if (scope[element].length > 0) { restrictedElementsUsed.push(element); } }); scope.restrictedCircuitElementsUsed = restrictedElementsUsed; updateRestrictedElementsList(); } // Helper function to show message function showMessage(mes) { if (mes == prevShowMessage) return; prevShowMessage = mes var id = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000); $('#MessageDiv').append(""); setTimeout(function() { prevShowMessage = undefined; $('#' + id).fadeOut() }, 2500); } // Helper function to open a new tab function openInNewTab(url) { var win = window.open(url, '_blank'); win.focus(); } // Following function need to be improved - remove mutability etc //fn to remove elem in array Array.prototype.clean = function(deleteValue) { for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { if (this[i] == deleteValue) { this.splice(i, 1); i--; } } return this; }; // Following function need to be improved Array.prototype.extend = function(other_array) { /* you should include a test to check whether other_array really is an array */ other_array.forEach(function(v) { this.push(v) }, this); } // Following function need to be improved //fn to check if an elem is in an array Array.prototype.contains = function(value) { return this.indexOf(value) > -1 }; // Helper function to return unique list function uniq(a) { var seen = {}; return a.filter(function(item) { return seen.hasOwnProperty(item) ? false : (seen[item] = true); }); } // Currently Focussed circuit/scope globalScope = undefined; // Base circuit class // All circuits are stored in a scope function Scope(name = "localScope", id = undefined) { this.restrictedCircuitElementsUsed = []; this.id = id || Math.floor((Math.random() * 100000000000) + 1); this.CircuitElement = []; //root object for referring to main canvas - intermediate node uses this this.root = new CircuitElement(0, 0, this, "RIGHT", 1); this.backups = []; this.timeStamp = new Date().getTime(); this.ox = 0; this.oy = 0; this.scale = DPR; this.tunnelList = {}; this.stack = [] this.name = name; this.pending = [] this.nodes = []; //intermediate nodes only this.allNodes = []; this.wires = []; // Creating arrays for other module elements for (var i = 0; i < moduleList.length; i++) { this[moduleList[i]] = []; } // Setting default layout this.layout = { // default position width: 100, height: 40, title_x: 50, title_y: 13, titleEnabled: true, } // FOR SOME UNKNOWN REASON, MAKING THE COPY OF THE LIST COMMON // TO ALL SCOPES EITHER BY PROTOTYPE OR JUST BY REFERNCE IS CAUSING ISSUES // The issue comes regarding copy/paste operation, after 5-6 operations it becomes slow for unknown reasons // CHANGE/ REMOVE WITH CAUTION // this.objects = ["wires", ...circuitElementList, "nodes", ...annotationList]; // this.renderObjectOrder = [ ...(moduleList.slice().reverse()), "wires", "allNodes"]; } // Resets all nodes recursively Scope.prototype.reset = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.allNodes.length; i++) this.allNodes[i].reset(); for (var i = 0; i < this.Splitter.length; i++) { this.Splitter[i].reset(); } for (var i = 0; i < this.SubCircuit.length; i++) { this.SubCircuit[i].reset(); } } // Adds all inputs to simulationQueue Scope.prototype.addInputs = function() { for (var i = 0; i < inputList.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < this[inputList[i]].length; j++) { simulationArea.simulationQueue.add(this[inputList[i]][j], 0); } } for (let j = 0; j < this.SubCircuit.length; j++) this.SubCircuit[j].addInputs(); } // Ticks clocks recursively -- needs to be deprecated and synchronize all clocks with a global clock Scope.prototype.clockTick = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.Clock.length; i++) this.Clock[i].toggleState(); //tick clock! for (var i = 0; i < this.SubCircuit.length; i++) this.SubCircuit[i].localScope.clockTick(); //tick clock! } // Checks if this circuit contains directly or indirectly scope with id // Recursive nature Scope.prototype.checkDependency = function(id) { if (id == this.id) return true; for (var i = 0; i < this.SubCircuit.length; i++) if (this.SubCircuit[i].id == id) return true; for (var i = 0; i < this.SubCircuit.length; i++) if (scopeList[this.SubCircuit[i].id].checkDependency(id)) return true; return false } // Get dependency list - list of all circuits, this circuit depends on Scope.prototype.getDependencies = function() { var list = [] for (var i = 0; i < this.SubCircuit.length; i++) { list.push(this.SubCircuit[i].id); list.extend(scopeList[this.SubCircuit[i].id].getDependencies()); } return uniq(list); } // helper function to reduce layout size Scope.prototype.fixLayout = function() { var max_y = 20; for (var i = 0; i < this.Input.length; i++) max_y = Math.max(this.Input[i].layoutProperties.y, max_y) for (var i = 0; i < this.Output.length; i++) max_y = Math.max(this.Output[i].layoutProperties.y, max_y) if (max_y != this.layout.height) this.layout.height = max_y + 10; } // Function which centers the circuit to the correct zoom level Scope.prototype.centerFocus = function(zoomIn = true) { if (layoutMode) return; findDimensions(this); var minX = simulationArea.minWidth || 0; var minY = simulationArea.minHeight || 0; var maxX = simulationArea.maxWidth || 0; var maxY = simulationArea.maxHeight || 0; var reqWidth = maxX - minX + 150; var reqHeight = maxY - minY + 150; this.scale = Math.min(width / reqWidth, height / reqHeight) if (!zoomIn) this.scale = Math.min(this.scale, DPR); this.scale = Math.max(this.scale, DPR / 10); this.ox = (-minX) * this.scale + (width - (maxX - minX) * this.scale) / 2; this.oy = (-minY) * this.scale + (height - (maxY - minY) * this.scale) / 2; } //fn to setup environment function setupEnvironment() { projectId = generateId(); updateSimulation = true; DPR = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; newCircuit("Main"); data = {} resetup(); } function setup() { setupElementLists(); setupEnvironment(); if (!embed) setupUI(); startListeners(); // Load project data after 1 second - needs to be improved, delay needs to be eliminated setTimeout(function() { if (logix_project_id != 0) { $('.loadingIcon').fadeIn(); $.ajax({ url: '/simulator/get_data', type: 'POST', beforeSend: function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader('X-CSRF-Token', $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')) }, data: { "id": logix_project_id }, success: function(response) { data = (response); if (data) { load(data); simulationArea.changeClockTime(data["timePeriod"] || 500); } $('.loadingIcon').fadeOut(); }, failure: function() { alert("Error: could not load "); $('.loadingIcon').fadeOut(); } }); } // Restore unsaved data and save else if (localStorage.getItem("recover_login") && userSignedIn) { var data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("recover_login")); load(data); localStorage.removeItem("recover"); localStorage.removeItem("recover_login"); save(); } // Restore unsaved data which didn't get saved due to error else if (localStorage.getItem("recover")) { showMessage("We have detected that you did not save your last work. Don't worry we have recovered them. Access them using Project->Recover") } }, 1000); } // Helper function to recover unsaved data function recoverProject() { if (localStorage.getItem("recover")) { var data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("recover")); if (confirm("Would you like to recover: " + data.name)) { load(data); } localStorage.removeItem("recover"); } else { showError("No recover project found") } } // Toggle light mode function changeLightMode(val) { if (!val && lightMode) { lightMode = false; DPR = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; globalScope.scale *= DPR; } else if (val && !lightMode) { lightMode = true; globalScope.scale /= DPR; DPR = 1 $('#miniMap').fadeOut('fast'); } resetup(); } //to resize window and setup things function resetup() { DPR = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; if (lightMode) DPR = 1; width = document.getElementById("simulationArea").clientWidth * DPR; if (!embed) { height = (document.getElementById("simulation").clientHeight - document.getElementById("toolbar").clientHeight) * DPR; } else { height = (document.getElementById("simulation").clientHeight) * DPR; } //setup simulationArea backgroundArea.setup(); if (!embed) plotArea.setup(); simulationArea.setup(); // update(); dots(); document.getElementById("backgroundArea").style.height = height / DPR + 100; document.getElementById("backgroundArea").style.width = width / DPR + 100; document.getElementById("canvasArea").style.height = height / DPR; simulationArea.canvas.width = width; simulationArea.canvas.height = height; backgroundArea.canvas.width = width + 100 * DPR; backgroundArea.canvas.height = height + 100 * DPR; if (!embed) { plotArea.c.width = document.getElementById("plot").clientWidth; plotArea.c.height = document.getElementById("plot").clientHeight } updateCanvas = true; update(); // INEFFICIENT, needs to be deprecated simulationArea.prevScale = 0; dots(true, false); } window.onresize = resetup; // listener window.onorientationchange = resetup; // listener //for mobiles window.addEventListener('orientationchange', resetup); // listener // Object that holds data and objects of grid canvas var backgroundArea = { canvas: document.getElementById("backgroundArea"), setup: function() { this.canvas.width = width; this.canvas.height = height; this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); dots(true, false); }, clear: function() { if (!this.context) return; this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); } } //simulation environment object - holds simulation canvas var simulationArea = { canvas: document.getElementById("simulationArea"), selected: false, hover: false, clockState: 0, clockEnabled: true, lastSelected: undefined, stack: [], prevScale: 0, oldx: 0, oldy: 0, objectList: [], maxHeight: 0, maxWidth: 0, minHeight: 0, minWidth: 0, multipleObjectSelections: [], copyList: [], shiftDown: false, controlDown: false, timePeriod: 500, mouseX: 0, mouseY: 0, mouseDownX: 0, mouseDownY: 0, simulationQueue: undefined, clickCount: 0, //double click lock: "unlocked", timer: function() { ckickTimer = setTimeout(function() { simulationArea.clickCount = 0; }, 600); }, setup: function() { this.canvas.width = width; this.canvas.height = height; this.simulationQueue = new EventQueue(10000); this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); simulationArea.changeClockTime(simulationArea.timePeriod) this.mouseDown = false; }, changeClockTime: function(t) { if (t < 50) return; clearInterval(simulationArea.ClockInterval); t = t || prompt("Enter Time Period:"); simulationArea.timePeriod = t; simulationArea.ClockInterval = setInterval(clockTick, t); }, clear: function() { if (!this.context) return; this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); } } changeClockTime = simulationArea.changeClockTime // Kept for archival purposes - needs to be removed // // function copyPaste(copyList) { // if(copyList.length==0)return; // tempScope = new Scope(globalScope.name,globalScope.id); // var oldOx=globalScope.ox; // var oldOy=globalScope.oy; // var oldScale=globalScope.scale; // d = backUp(globalScope); // loadScope(tempScope, d); // scopeList[tempScope.id]=tempScope; // tempScope.backups=globalScope.backups; // for (var i = 0; i < updateOrder.length; i++){ // var prevLength=globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length; // LOL length of list will reduce automatically when deletion starts // // if(globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length)////console.log("deleting, ",globalScope[updateOrder[i]]); // for (var j = 0; j < globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length; j++) { // var obj = globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j]; // if (obj.objectType != 'Wire') { //}&&obj.objectType!='CircuitElement'){//}&&(obj.objectType!='Node'||obj.type==2)){ // if (!copyList.contains(globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j])) { // ////console.log("DELETE:", globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j]); // globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j].cleanDelete(); // } // } // // if(globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length!=prevLength){ // prevLength--; // j--; // } // } // } // // // updateSimulation = true; // // update(globalScope); // ////console.log("DEBUG1",globalScope.wires.length) // var prevLength=globalScope.wires.length; // for (var i = 0; i < globalScope.wires.length; i++) { // globalScope.wires[i].checkConnections(); // if(globalScope.wires.length!=prevLength){ // prevLength--; // i--; // } // } // ////console.log(globalScope.wires,globalScope.allNodes) // ////console.log("DEBUG2",globalScope.wires.length) // // update(globalScope); // // ////console.log(globalScope.wires.length) // // var approxX=0; // var approxY=0; // for (var i = 0; i < copyList.length; i++) { // approxX+=copyList[i].x; // approxY+=copyList[i].y; // } // approxX/=copyList.length; // approxY/=copyList.length; // // approxX=Math.round(approxX/10)*10 // approxY=Math.round(approxY/10)*10 // for (var i = 0; i < updateOrder.length; i++) // for (var j = 0; j < globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length; j++) { // var obj = globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j]; // obj.updateScope(tempScope); // } // // // for (var i = 0; i < copyList.length; i++) { // // ////console.log(copyList[i]); // copyList[i].x += simulationArea.mouseX-approxX; // copyList[i].y += simulationArea.mouseY-approxY; // // } // // // // for (var i = 0; i < globalScope.wires.length; i++) { // // globalScope.wires[i].updateScope(tempScope); // // } // // for (l in globalScope) { // if (globalScope[l] instanceof Array && l != "objects") { // tempScope[l].extend(globalScope[l]); // // ////console.log("Copying , ",l); // } // } // // // update(tempScope); // // // simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections = [];//copyList.slice(); // simulationArea.copyList = [];//copyList.slice(); // canvasUpdate=true; // updateSimulation = true; // globalScope = tempScope; // scheduleUpdate(); // globalScope.ox=oldOx; // globalScope.oy=oldOy; // globalScope.scale=oldScale; // // // } // paste function function paste(copyData) { if (copyData == undefined) return; var data = JSON.parse(copyData); if (!data["logixClipBoardData"]) return; var currentScopeId = globalScope.id; for (var i = 0; i < data.scopes.length; i++) { if (scopeList[data.scopes[i].id] == undefined) { var scope = newCircuit(data.scopes[i].name, data.scopes[i].id); loadScope(scope, data.scopes[i]); scopeList[data.scopes[i].id] = scope; } } switchCircuit(currentScopeId); var tempScope = new Scope(globalScope.name, globalScope.id); var oldOx = globalScope.ox; var oldOy = globalScope.oy; var oldScale = globalScope.scale; loadScope(tempScope, data); var prevLength = tempScope.allNodes.length for (var i = 0; i < tempScope.allNodes.length; i++) { tempScope.allNodes[i].checkDeleted(); if (tempScope.allNodes.length != prevLength) { prevLength--; i--; } } var approxX = 0; var approxY = 0; var count = 0 for (var i = 0; i < updateOrder.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < tempScope[updateOrder[i]].length; j++) { var obj = tempScope[updateOrder[i]][j]; obj.updateScope(globalScope); if (obj.objectType != "Wire") { approxX += obj.x; approxY += obj.y; count++; } } } for (var j = 0; j < tempScope.CircuitElement.length; j++) { var obj = tempScope.CircuitElement[j] obj.updateScope(globalScope); } approxX /= count approxY /= count approxX = Math.round(approxX / 10) * 10 approxY = Math.round(approxY / 10) * 10 for (var i = 0; i < updateOrder.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < tempScope[updateOrder[i]].length; j++) { var obj = tempScope[updateOrder[i]][j]; if (obj.objectType != "Wire") { obj.x += simulationArea.mouseX - approxX; obj.y += simulationArea.mouseY - approxY; } } } for (l in tempScope) { if (tempScope[l] instanceof Array && l != "objects" && l != "CircuitElement") { globalScope[l].extend(tempScope[l]); } } for (var i = 0; i < tempScope.Input.length; i++) { tempScope.Input[i].layoutProperties.y = get_next_position(0, globalScope); tempScope.Input[i].layoutProperties.id = generateId(); } for (var i = 0; i < tempScope.Output.length; i++) { tempScope.Output[i].layoutProperties.x = globalScope.layout.width; tempScope.Output[i].layoutProperties.id = generateId(); tempScope.Output[i].layoutProperties.y = get_next_position(globalScope.layout.width, globalScope); } canvasUpdate = true; updateSimulation = true; updateSubcircuit = true; scheduleUpdate(); globalScope.ox = oldOx; globalScope.oy = oldOy; globalScope.scale = oldScale; forceResetNodes = true } function cut(copyList) { if (copyList.length == 0) return; var tempScope = new Scope(globalScope.name, globalScope.id); var oldOx = globalScope.ox; var oldOy = globalScope.oy; var oldScale = globalScope.scale; d = backUp(globalScope); loadScope(tempScope, d); scopeList[tempScope.id] = tempScope; for (var i = 0; i < copyList.length; i++) { var obj = copyList[i]; if (obj.objectType == "Node") obj.objectType = "allNodes" for (var j = 0; j < tempScope[obj.objectType].length; j++) { if (tempScope[obj.objectType][j].x == obj.x && tempScope[obj.objectType][j].y == obj.y && (obj.objectType != "Node" || obj.type == 2)) { tempScope[obj.objectType][j].delete(); break; } } } tempScope.backups = globalScope.backups; for (var i = 0; i < updateOrder.length; i++) { var prevLength = globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length; // LOL length of list will reduce automatically when deletion starts for (var j = 0; j < globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length; j++) { var obj = globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j]; if (obj.objectType != 'Wire') { //}&&obj.objectType!='CircuitElement'){//}&&(obj.objectType!='Node'||obj.type==2)){ if (!copyList.contains(globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j])) { globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j].cleanDelete(); } } if (globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length != prevLength) { prevLength--; j--; } } } var prevLength = globalScope.wires.length; for (var i = 0; i < globalScope.wires.length; i++) { globalScope.wires[i].checkConnections(); if (globalScope.wires.length != prevLength) { prevLength--; i--; } } updateSimulation = true; var data = backUp(globalScope); data['logixClipBoardData'] = true; var dependencyList = globalScope.getDependencies(); data["dependencies"] = {}; for (dependency in dependencyList) data.dependencies[dependency] = backUp(scopeList[dependency]); data['logixClipBoardData'] = true; data = JSON.stringify(data); simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections = []; //copyList.slice(); simulationArea.copyList = []; //copyList.slice(); canvasUpdate = true; updateSimulation = true; globalScope = tempScope; scheduleUpdate(); globalScope.ox = oldOx; globalScope.oy = oldOy; globalScope.scale = oldScale; forceResetNodes = true return data; } function copy(copyList, cut = false) { if (copyList.length == 0) return; var tempScope = new Scope(globalScope.name, globalScope.id); var oldOx = globalScope.ox; var oldOy = globalScope.oy; var oldScale = globalScope.scale; var d = backUp(globalScope); loadScope(tempScope, d); scopeList[tempScope.id] = tempScope; if (cut) { for (var i = 0; i < copyList.length; i++) { var obj = copyList[i]; if (obj.objectType == "Node") obj.objectType = "allNodes" for (var j = 0; j < tempScope[obj.objectType].length; j++) { if (tempScope[obj.objectType][j].x == obj.x && tempScope[obj.objectType][j].y == obj.y && (obj.objectType != "Node" || obj.type == 2)) { tempScope[obj.objectType][j].delete(); break; } } } } tempScope.backups = globalScope.backups; for (var i = 0; i < updateOrder.length; i++) { var prevLength = globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length; // LOL length of list will reduce automatically when deletion starts for (var j = 0; j < globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length; j++) { var obj = globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j]; if (obj.objectType != 'Wire') { //}&&obj.objectType!='CircuitElement'){//}&&(obj.objectType!='Node'||obj.type==2)){ if (!copyList.contains(globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j])) { ////console.log("DELETE:", globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j]); globalScope[updateOrder[i]][j].cleanDelete(); } } if (globalScope[updateOrder[i]].length != prevLength) { prevLength--; j--; } } } var prevLength = globalScope.wires.length; for (var i = 0; i < globalScope.wires.length; i++) { globalScope.wires[i].checkConnections(); if (globalScope.wires.length != prevLength) { prevLength--; i--; } } updateSimulation = true; var data = backUp(globalScope); data.scopes = [] var dependencyList = {}; var requiredDependencies = globalScope.getDependencies(); var completed = {}; for (id in scopeList) dependencyList[id] = scopeList[id].getDependencies(); function saveScope(id) { if (completed[id]) return; for (var i = 0; i < dependencyList[id].length; i++) saveScope(dependencyList[id][i]); completed[id] = true; data.scopes.push(backUp(scopeList[id])); } for (var i = 0; i < requiredDependencies.length; i++) saveScope(requiredDependencies[i]); data['logixClipBoardData'] = true; data = JSON.stringify(data); simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections = []; //copyList.slice(); simulationArea.copyList = []; //copyList.slice(); canvasUpdate = true; updateSimulation = true; globalScope = tempScope; scheduleUpdate(); globalScope.ox = oldOx; globalScope.oy = oldOy; globalScope.scale = oldScale; forceResetNodes = true return data; } // Function selects all the elements from the scope function selectAll(scope = globalScope) { circuitElementList.forEach((val, _, __) => { if (scope.hasOwnProperty(val)) { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.push(...scope[val]); } }); if (scope.nodes) { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.push(...scope.nodes); } } // The Circuit element class serves as the abstract class for all circuit elements. // Data Members: /* Insert Description */ // Prototype Methods: // - update: Used to update the state of object on mouse applicationCache // - isHover: Used to check if mouse is hovering over object function CircuitElement(x, y, scope, dir, bitWidth) { // Data member initializations this.objectType = this.constructor.name; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.hover = false; if (this.x == undefined || this.y == undefined) { this.x = simulationArea.mouseX; this.y = simulationArea.mouseY; this.newElement = true; this.hover = true; } this.deleteNodesWhenDeleted = true; // FOR NOW - TO CHECK LATER this.nodeList = [] this.clicked = false; this.oldx = x; this.oldy = y; /** The following attributes help in setting the touch area bound. They are the distances from the center. Note they are all positive distances from center. They will automatically be rotated when direction is changed. To stop the rotation when direction is changed, check overrideDirectionRotation attribute. **/ this.leftDimensionX = 10; this.rightDimensionX = 10; this.upDimensionY = 10; this.downDimensionY = 10; this.rectangleObject = true; this.label = ""; this.scope = scope; this.scope[this.objectType].push(this); this.bitWidth = bitWidth || parseInt(prompt("Enter bitWidth"), 10) || 1; this.direction = dir; this.directionFixed = false; this.labelDirectionFixed = false; this.labelDirection = oppositeDirection[dir]; this.orientationFixed = true; this.fixedBitWidth = false; scheduleUpdate(); this.queueProperties = { inQueue: false, time: undefined, index: undefined, } } CircuitElement.prototype.alwaysResolve = false CircuitElement.prototype.propagationDelay = 100 CircuitElement.prototype.flipBits = function(val) { return ((~val >>> 0) << (32 - this.bitWidth)) >>> (32 - this.bitWidth); } CircuitElement.prototype.absX = function() { return this.x; } CircuitElement.prototype.absY = function() { return this.y; } CircuitElement.prototype.copyFrom = function(obj) { var properties = ["label", "labelDirection"]; for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { if (obj[properties[i]] !== undefined) this[properties[i]] = obj[properties[i]]; } } /* Methods to be Implemented for derivedClass saveObject(); //To generate JSON-safe data that can be loaded customDraw(); //This is to draw the custom design of the circuit(Optional) resolve(); // To execute digital logic(Optional) override isResolvable(); // custom logic for checking if module is ready override newDirection(dir) //To implement custom direction logic(Optional) newOrientation(dir) //To implement custom orientation logic(Optional) */ // Method definitions CircuitElement.prototype.updateScope = function(scope) { this.scope = scope; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) this.nodeList[i].scope = scope; } CircuitElement.prototype.saveObject = function() { var data = { x: this.x, y: this.y, objectType: this.objectType, label: this.label, direction: this.direction, labelDirection: this.labelDirection, propagationDelay: this.propagationDelay, customData: this.customSave() } return data; } CircuitElement.prototype.customSave = function() { return { values: {}, nodes: {}, constructorParamaters: [], } } CircuitElement.prototype.checkHover = function() { if (simulationArea.mouseDown) return; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) { this.nodeList[i].checkHover(); } if (!simulationArea.mouseDown) { if (simulationArea.hover == this) { this.hover = this.isHover(); if (!this.hover) simulationArea.hover = undefined; } else if (!simulationArea.hover) { this.hover = this.isHover(); if (this.hover) simulationArea.hover = this; } else { this.hover = false } } } //This sets the width and height of the element if its rectangular // and the reference point is at the center of the object. //width and height define the X and Y distance from the center. //Effectively HALF the actual width and height. // NOT OVERRIDABLE CircuitElement.prototype.setDimensions = function(width, height) { this.leftDimensionX = this.rightDimensionX = width; this.downDimensionY = this.upDimensionY = height; } CircuitElement.prototype.setWidth = function(width) { this.leftDimensionX = this.rightDimensionX = width; } CircuitElement.prototype.setHeight = function(height) { this.downDimensionY = this.upDimensionY = height; } // The update method is used to change the parameters of the object on mouse click and hover. // Return Value: true if state has changed else false // NOT OVERRIDABLE // When true this.isHover() will not rotate bounds. To be used when bounds are set manually. CircuitElement.prototype.overrideDirectionRotation = false; CircuitElement.prototype.startDragging = function() { this.oldx = this.x; this.oldy = this.y; } CircuitElement.prototype.drag = function() { this.x = this.oldx + simulationArea.mouseX - simulationArea.mouseDownX; this.y = this.oldy + simulationArea.mouseY - simulationArea.mouseDownY; } CircuitElement.prototype.update = function() { var update = false; update |= this.newElement; if (this.newElement) { if (this.centerElement) { this.x = Math.round((simulationArea.mouseX - (this.rightDimensionX - this.leftDimensionX) / 2) / 10) * 10; this.y = Math.round((simulationArea.mouseY - (this.downDimensionY - this.upDimensionY) / 2) / 10) * 10; } else { this.x = simulationArea.mouseX; this.y = simulationArea.mouseY; } if (simulationArea.mouseDown) { this.newElement = false; simulationArea.lastSelected = this; } else return; } for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) { update |= this.nodeList[i].update(); } if (!simulationArea.hover || simulationArea.hover == this) this.hover = this.isHover(); if (!simulationArea.mouseDown) this.hover = false; if ((this.clicked || !simulationArea.hover) && this.isHover()) { this.hover = true; simulationArea.hover = this; } else if (!simulationArea.mouseDown && this.hover && this.isHover() == false) { if (this.hover) simulationArea.hover = undefined; this.hover = false; } if (simulationArea.mouseDown && (this.clicked)) { this.drag(); if (!simulationArea.shiftDown && simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { for (var i = 0; i < simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.length; i++) { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections[i].drag(); } } update |= true; } else if (simulationArea.mouseDown && !simulationArea.selected) { this.startDragging(); if (!simulationArea.shiftDown && simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { for (var i = 0; i < simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.length; i++) { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections[i].startDragging(); } } simulationArea.selected = this.clicked = this.hover; update |= this.clicked; } else { if (this.clicked) simulationArea.selected = false; this.clicked = false; this.wasClicked = false; } if (simulationArea.mouseDown && !this.wasClicked) { if (this.clicked) { this.wasClicked = true; if (this.click) this.click(); if (simulationArea.shiftDown) { simulationArea.lastSelected = undefined; if (simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.clean(this); } else { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.push(this); } } else { simulationArea.lastSelected = this; } } } return update; } CircuitElement.prototype.fixDirection = function() { this.direction = fixDirection[this.direction] || this.direction; this.labelDirection = fixDirection[this.labelDirection] || this.labelDirection; } // The isHover method is used to check if the mouse is hovering over the object. // Return Value: true if mouse is hovering over object else false // NOT OVERRIDABLE CircuitElement.prototype.isHover = function() { var mX = simulationArea.mouseXf - this.x; var mY = this.y - simulationArea.mouseYf; var rX = this.rightDimensionX; var lX = this.leftDimensionX; var uY = this.upDimensionY; var dY = this.downDimensionY; if (!this.directionFixed && !this.overrideDirectionRotation) { if (this.direction == "LEFT") { lX = this.rightDimensionX; rX = this.leftDimensionX } else if (this.direction == "DOWN") { lX = this.downDimensionY; rX = this.upDimensionY; uY = this.leftDimensionX; dY = this.rightDimensionX; } else if (this.direction == "UP") { lX = this.downDimensionY; rX = this.upDimensionY; dY = this.leftDimensionX; uY = this.rightDimensionX; } } return -lX <= mX && mX <= rX && -dY <= mY && mY <= uY; }; CircuitElement.prototype.setLabel = function(label) { this.label = label || "" } CircuitElement.prototype.propagationDelayFixed = false; //Method that draws the outline of the module and calls draw function on module Nodes. //NOT OVERRIDABLE CircuitElement.prototype.draw = function() { var ctx = simulationArea.context; this.checkHover(); if (this.x * this.scope.scale + this.scope.ox < -this.rightDimensionX * this.scope.scale - 00 || this.x * this.scope.scale + this.scope.ox > width + this.leftDimensionX * this.scope.scale + 00 || this.y * this.scope.scale + this.scope.oy < -this.downDimensionY * this.scope.scale - 00 || this.y * this.scope.scale + this.scope.oy > height + 00 + this.upDimensionY * this.scope.scale) return; // Draws rectangle and highlights if (this.rectangleObject) { ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.lineWidth = correctWidth(3); ctx.beginPath(); rect2(ctx, -this.leftDimensionX, -this.upDimensionY, this.leftDimensionX + this.rightDimensionX, this.upDimensionY + this.downDimensionY, this.x, this.y, [this.direction, "RIGHT"][+this.directionFixed]); if ((this.hover && !simulationArea.shiftDown) || simulationArea.lastSelected == this || simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 32,0.8)"; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } if (this.label != "") { var rX = this.rightDimensionX; var lX = this.leftDimensionX; var uY = this.upDimensionY; var dY = this.downDimensionY; if (!this.directionFixed) { if (this.direction == "LEFT") { lX = this.rightDimensionX; rX = this.leftDimensionX } else if (this.direction == "DOWN") { lX = this.downDimensionY; rX = this.upDimensionY; uY = this.leftDimensionX; dY = this.rightDimensionX; } else if (this.direction == "UP") { lX = this.downDimensionY; rX = this.upDimensionY; dY = this.leftDimensionX; uY = this.rightDimensionX; } } if (this.labelDirection == "LEFT") { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.textAlign = "right"; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; fillText(ctx, this.label, this.x - lX - 10, this.y + 5, 14); ctx.fill(); } else if (this.labelDirection == "RIGHT") { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.textAlign = "left"; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; fillText(ctx, this.label, this.x + rX + 10, this.y + 5, 14); ctx.fill(); } else if (this.labelDirection == "UP") { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; fillText(ctx, this.label, this.x, this.y + 5 - uY - 10, 14); ctx.fill(); } else if (this.labelDirection == "DOWN") { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.textAlign = "center"; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; fillText(ctx, this.label, this.x, this.y + 5 + dY + 10, 14); ctx.fill(); } } // calls the custom circuit design if (this.customDraw) this.customDraw(); //draws nodes - Moved to renderCanvas // for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) // this.nodeList[i].draw(); } //method to delete object //OVERRIDE WITH CAUTION CircuitElement.prototype.delete = function() { simulationArea.lastSelected = undefined; this.scope[this.objectType].clean(this); // CHECK IF THIS IS VALID if (this.deleteNodesWhenDeleted) this.deleteNodes(); else for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) if (this.nodeList[i].connections.length) this.nodeList[i].converToIntermediate(); else this.nodeList[i].delete(); this.deleted = true; } CircuitElement.prototype.cleanDelete = function() { this.deleteNodesWhenDeleted = true; this.delete(); } CircuitElement.prototype.deleteNodes = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) this.nodeList[i].delete(); } //method to change direction //OVERRIDE WITH CAUTION CircuitElement.prototype.newDirection = function(dir) { if (this.direction == dir) return; // Leave this for now if (this.directionFixed && this.orientationFixed) return; else if (this.directionFixed) { this.newOrientation(dir); return; // Should it return ? } // if (obj.direction == undefined) return; this.direction = dir; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) { this.nodeList[i].refresh(); } } CircuitElement.prototype.newLabelDirection = function(dir) { this.labelDirection = dir; } //Method to check if object can be resolved //OVERRIDE if necessary CircuitElement.prototype.isResolvable = function() { if (this.alwaysResolve) return true; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) if (this.nodeList[i].type == 0 && this.nodeList[i].value == undefined) return false; return true; } //Method to change object Bitwidth //OVERRIDE if necessary CircuitElement.prototype.newBitWidth = function(bitWidth) { if (this.fixedBitWidth) return; if (this.bitWidth == undefined) return; if (this.bitWidth < 1) return; this.bitWidth = bitWidth; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) this.nodeList[i].bitWidth = bitWidth; } //Method to change object delay //OVERRIDE if necessary CircuitElement.prototype.changePropagationDelay = function(delay) { if (this.propagationDelayFixed) return; if (delay == undefined) return; if (delay == "") return; delay = parseInt(delay, 10) if (delay < 0) return; this.propagationDelay = delay; } //Dummy resolve function //OVERRIDE if necessary CircuitElement.prototype.resolve = function() { } // Graph algorithm to resolve verilog wire labels CircuitElement.prototype.processVerilog = function() { // Output count used to sanitize output var output_total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) { if (this.nodeList[i].type == NODE_OUTPUT && this.nodeList[i].connections.length > 0) output_total++; } var output_count = 0; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) { if (this.nodeList[i].type == NODE_OUTPUT) { if (this.objectType != "Input" && this.objectType != "Clock" && this.nodeList[i].connections.length > 0) { this.nodeList[i].verilogLabel = verilog.generateNodeName(this.nodeList[i], output_count, output_total); if (!this.scope.verilogWireList[this.nodeList[i].bitWidth].contains(this.nodeList[i].verilogLabel)) this.scope.verilogWireList[this.nodeList[i].bitWidth].push(this.nodeList[i].verilogLabel); output_count++; } this.scope.stack.push(this.nodeList[i]); } } } CircuitElement.prototype.removePropagation = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) { if (this.nodeList[i].type == NODE_OUTPUT) { if (this.nodeList[i].value !== undefined) { this.nodeList[i].value = undefined; simulationArea.simulationQueue.add(this.nodeList[i]); } } } } CircuitElement.prototype.verilogName = function() { return this.verilogType || this.objectType; } CircuitElement.prototype.verilogBaseType = function() { return this.verilogName(); } CircuitElement.prototype.verilogParametrizedType = function() { var type = this.verilogBaseType(); // Suffix bitwidth for multi-bit inputs // Example: DflipFlop #(2) DflipFlop_0 if (this.bitWidth != undefined && this.bitWidth > 1) type += " #(" + this.bitWidth + ")"; return type } // Generates final verilog code for each element CircuitElement.prototype.generateVerilog = function() { // Example: and and_1(_out, _out, _Q[0]); var inputs = []; var outputs = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) { if (this.nodeList[i].type == NODE_INPUT) { inputs.push(this.nodeList[i]); } else { if (this.nodeList[i].connections.length > 0) outputs.push(this.nodeList[i]); else outputs.push(""); // Don't create a wire } } var list = outputs.concat(inputs); var res = this.verilogParametrizedType(); var moduleParams = list.map(x => x.verilogLabel).join(", "); res += ` ${this.verilogLabel}(${moduleParams});`; return res; } // Generates final verilog code for each element // Gate = &/|/^ // Invert is true for xNor, Nor, Nand function gateGenerateVerilog(gate, invert = false) { var inputs = []; var outputs = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.nodeList.length; i++) { if (this.nodeList[i].type == NODE_INPUT) { inputs.push(this.nodeList[i]); } else { if (this.nodeList[i].connections.length > 0) outputs.push(this.nodeList[i]); else outputs.push(""); // Don't create a wire } } var res = "assign "; if (outputs.length == 1) res += outputs[0].verilogLabel; else res += `{${outputs.map(x => x.verilogLabel).join(", ")}}`; res += " = "; var inputParams = inputs.map(x => x.verilogLabel).join(` ${gate} `); if(invert) { res += `~(${inputParams});`; } else { res += inputParams + ';'; } return res; } function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x2 - x1), 2) + Math.pow((y2 - y1), 2)); }