import CircuitElement from "../circuitElement"; import Node, { findNode, extractBits } from "../node"; import simulationArea from "../simulationArea"; import { correctWidth, rect, fillText } from "../canvasApi"; /** * @class * BitSelector * @extends CircuitElement * @param {number} x - x coordinate of element. * @param {number} y - y coordinate of element. * @param {Scope=} scope - Cirucit on which element is drawn * @param {string=} dir - direction of element * @param {number=} bitWidth - bit width per node. * @param {number=} selectorBitWidth - 1 by default * @category modules */ import { colors } from "../themer/themer"; export default class BitSelector extends CircuitElement { constructor( x, y, scope = globalScope, dir = "RIGHT", bitWidth = 2, selectorBitWidth = 1 ) { super(x, y, scope, dir, bitWidth); /* this is done in this.baseSetup() now this.scope['BitSelector'].push(this); */ this.setDimensions(20, 20); this.selectorBitWidth = selectorBitWidth || parseInt(prompt("Enter Selector bitWidth"), 10); this.rectangleObject = false; this.inp1 = new Node(-20, 0, 0, this, this.bitWidth, "Input"); this.output1 = new Node(20, 0, 1, this, 1, "Output"); this.bitSelectorInp = new Node( 0, 20, 0, this, this.selectorBitWidth, "Bit Selector" ); } /** * @memberof BitSelector * Function to change selector Bitwidth * @param {size} */ changeSelectorBitWidth(size) { if (size === undefined || size < 1 || size > 32) return; this.selectorBitWidth = size; this.bitSelectorInp.bitWidth = size; } /** * @memberof BitSelector * fn to create save Json Data of object * @return {JSON} */ customSave() { const data = { nodes: { inp1: findNode(this.inp1), output1: findNode(this.output1), bitSelectorInp: findNode(this.bitSelectorInp), }, constructorParamaters: [ this.direction, this.bitWidth, this.selectorBitWidth, ], }; return data; } /** * @memberof BitSelector * function to change bitwidth of the element * @param {number} bitWidth - new bitwidth */ newBitWidth(bitWidth) { this.inp1.bitWidth = bitWidth; this.bitWidth = bitWidth; } /** * @memberof BitSelector * resolve output values based on inputData */ resolve() { this.output1.value = extractBits( this.inp1.value, this.bitSelectorInp.value + 1, this.bitSelectorInp.value + 1 ); // (this.inp1.value^(1<> ${this.bitSelectorInp.verilogLabel};`; } } /** * @memberof BitSelector * Help Tip * @type {string} * @category modules */ BitSelector.prototype.tooltipText = "BitSelector ToolTip : Divides input bits into several equal-sized groups."; BitSelector.prototype.helplink = ""; /** * @memberof BitSelector * Mutable properties of the element * @type {JSON} * @category modules */ BitSelector.prototype.mutableProperties = { selectorBitWidth: { name: "Selector Bit Width: ", type: "number", max: "32", min: "1", func: "changeSelectorBitWidth", }, }; BitSelector.prototype.objectType = "BitSelector";