function RGBLedMatrix( x, y, scope = globalScope, { rows = 8, columns = 8, ledSize = 2, showGrid = true, colors = [], } = {}, ) {, x, y, scope, 'RIGHT', 8); this.fixedBitWidth = true; this.directionFixed = true; this.rectangleObject = true; this.alwaysResolve = true; this.labelDirection = 'UP'; this.leftDimensionX = 0; this.upDimensionY = 0; // These pins provide bulk-editing of the colors this.rowEnableNodes = []; // 1-bit pin for each row, on the left side. this.columnEnableNodes = []; // 1-bit pin for each column, on the bottom. this.columnColorNodes = []; // 24-bit pin for each column, on the top. // These pins provide single-pixel editing; these are on the right side. this.colorNode = new Node(0, -10, NODE_INPUT, this, 24, 'COLOR'); this.rowNode = new Node(0, 0, NODE_INPUT, this, 1, 'ROW'); this.columnNode = new Node(0, 10, NODE_INPUT, this, 1, 'COLUMN'); this.colors = colors; this.showGrid = showGrid; this.changeSize(rows, columns, ledSize, false); } RGBLedMatrix.prototype = Object.create(CircuitElement.prototype); RGBLedMatrix.prototype.constructor = RGBLedMatrix; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.tooltipText = 'RGB Led Matrix'; // Limit the size of the matrix otherwise the simulation starts to lag. RGBLedMatrix.prototype.maxRows = 128; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.maxColumns = 128; // Let the user choose between 3 sizes of LEDs: small, medium and large. RGBLedMatrix.prototype.maxLedSize = 3; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.mutableProperties = { rows: { name: 'Rows', type: 'number', max: RGBLedMatrix.prototype.maxRows, min: 1, func: 'changeRows', }, columns: { name: 'Columns', type: 'number', max: RGBLedMatrix.prototype.maxColumns, min: 1, func: 'changeColumns', }, ledSize: { name: 'LED Size', type: 'number', max: RGBLedMatrix.prototype.maxLedSize, min: 1, func: 'changeLedSize', }, showGrid: { name: 'Toggle Grid', type: 'button', max: RGBLedMatrix.prototype.maxLedSize, min: 1, func: 'toggleGrid', }, }; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.toggleGrid = function () { this.showGrid = !this.showGrid; }; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.changeRows = function (rows) { this.changeSize(rows, this.columns, this.ledSize, true); }; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.changeColumns = function (columns) { this.changeSize(this.rows, columns, this.ledSize, true); }; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.changeLedSize = function (ledSize) { this.changeSize(this.rows, this.columns, ledSize, true); }; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.changeSize = function (rows, columns, ledSize, move) { rows = parseInt(rows, 10); if (isNaN(rows) || rows < 0 || rows > this.maxRows) return; columns = parseInt(columns, 10); if (isNaN(columns) || columns < 0 || columns > this.maxColumns) return; ledSize = parseInt(ledSize, 10); if (isNaN(ledSize) || ledSize < 0 || ledSize > this.maxLedSize) return; // The size of an individual LED, in canvas units. var ledWidth = 10 * ledSize; var ledHeight = 10 * ledSize; // The size of the LED matrix, in canvas units. var gridWidth = ledWidth * columns; var gridHeight = ledHeight * rows; // We need to position the element in the 10x10 grid. // Depending on the size of the leds we need to add different paddings so position correctly. var padding = ledSize % 2 ? 5 : 10; // The dimensions of the element, in canvas units. var halfWidth = gridWidth / 2 + padding; var halfHeight = gridHeight / 2 + padding; // Move the element in order to keep the position of the nodes stable so wires don't break. if (move) { this.x -= this.leftDimensionX - halfWidth; this.y -= this.upDimensionY - halfHeight; } // Update the dimensions of the element. this.setDimensions(halfWidth, halfHeight); // Offset of the nodes in relation to the element's center. var nodePadding = [10, 20, 20][ledSize - 1]; var nodeOffsetX = nodePadding - halfWidth; var nodeOffsetY = nodePadding - halfHeight; // When the led size changes it is better to delete all nodes to break connected the wires. // Otherwise, wires can end up connected in unexpected ways. var resetAllNodes = ledSize != this.ledSize; // Delete unused row-enable nodes, reposition remaining nodes and add new nodes. this.rowEnableNodes.splice(resetAllNodes ? 0 : rows).forEach(node => node.delete()); this.rowEnableNodes.forEach((node, i) => { node.x = node.leftx = -halfWidth; node.y = node.lefty = i * ledHeight + nodeOffsetY; }); while (this.rowEnableNodes.length < rows) { this.rowEnableNodes.push(new Node(-halfWidth, this.rowEnableNodes.length * ledHeight + nodeOffsetY, NODE_INPUT, this, 1, 'R' + this.rowEnableNodes.length)); } // Delete unused column-enable nodes, reposition remaining nodes and add new nodes. this.columnEnableNodes.splice(resetAllNodes ? 0 : columns).forEach(node => node.delete()); this.columnEnableNodes.forEach((node, i) => { node.x = node.leftx = i * ledWidth + nodeOffsetX; node.y = node.lefty = halfHeight; }); while (this.columnEnableNodes.length < columns) { this.columnEnableNodes.push(new Node(this.columnEnableNodes.length * ledWidth + nodeOffsetX, halfHeight, NODE_INPUT, this, 1, 'C' + this.columnEnableNodes.length)); } // Delete unused column color nodes, reposition remaining nodes and add new nodes. this.columnColorNodes.splice(resetAllNodes ? 0 : columns).forEach(node => node.delete()); this.columnColorNodes.forEach((node, i) => { node.x = node.leftx = i * ledWidth + nodeOffsetX; node.y = node.lefty = -halfHeight; }); while (this.columnColorNodes.length < columns) { this.columnColorNodes.push(new Node(this.columnColorNodes.length * ledWidth + nodeOffsetX, -halfHeight, NODE_INPUT, this, 24, 'CLR' + this.columnColorNodes.length)); } // Delete unused color storage and add storage for new rows. this.colors.splice(rows); this.colors.forEach(c => c.splice(columns)); while (this.colors.length < rows) { this.colors.push([]); } // Reposition the single-pixel nodes this.rowNode.bitWidth = Math.ceil(Math.log2(rows)); this.rowNode.label = 'ROW (' + this.rowNode.bitWidth + ' bits)'; this.columnNode.bitWidth = Math.ceil(Math.log2(columns)); this.columnNode.label = 'COLUMN (' + this.columnNode.bitWidth + ' bits)'; var singlePixelNodePadding = rows > 1 ? nodeOffsetY : nodeOffsetY - 10; var singlePixelNodeDistance = (rows <= 2) ? 10 : ledHeight; [this.colorNode, this.rowNode, this.columnNode].forEach((node, i) => { node.x = node.leftx = halfWidth; node.y = node.lefty = i * singlePixelNodeDistance + singlePixelNodePadding; }); // Store the new values this.rows = rows; this.columns = columns; this.ledSize = ledSize; return this; }; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.customSave = function () { // Save the size of the LED matrix. // Unlike a read LED matrix, we also persist the color of each pixel. // This allows circuit preview to show the colors at the time the simulation was saved. return { constructorParamaters: [{ rows: this.rows, columns: this.columns, ledSize: this.ledSize, showGrid: this.showGrid, colors: this.colors }], nodes: { rowEnableNodes:, columnEnableNodes:, columnColorNodes:, colorNode: findNode(this.colorNode), rowNode: findNode(this.rowNode), columnNode: findNode(this.columnNode), }, } }; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.resolve = function () { var colorValue = this.colorNode.value; var hasColorValue = colorValue != undefined; var rows = this.rows; var columns = this.columns; var rowEnableNodes = this.rowEnableNodes; var columnEnableNodes = this.columnEnableNodes; var columnColorNodes = this.columnColorNodes; var colors = this.colors; for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++) { if (rowEnableNodes[row].value === 1) { for (var column = 0; column < columns; column++) { // Method 1: set pixel by rowEnable + columnColor pins var columnColor = columnColorNodes[column].value; if (columnColor !== undefined) { colors[row][column] = columnColor; } // Method 2: set pixel by rowEnable + columnEnable + color pins if (hasColorValue && columnEnableNodes[column].value === 1) { colors[row][column] = colorValue; } } } } // Method 3: set pixel by write + pixel index + color pins. var hasRowNodeValue = this.rowNode.value != undefined || rows == 1; var hasColumnNodeValue = this.columnNode.value != undefined || columns == 1; if (hasColorValue && hasRowNodeValue && hasColumnNodeValue) { var rowNodeValue = this.rowNode.value || 0; var columnNodeValue = this.columnNode.value || 0; if (rowNodeValue < rows && columnNodeValue < columns) { colors[rowNodeValue][columnNodeValue] = colorValue; } } }; RGBLedMatrix.prototype.customDraw = function () { var ctx = simulationArea.context; var rows = this.rows; var columns = this.columns; var colors = this.colors; var xx = this.x; var yy = this.y; var dir = this.direction; var ledWidth = 10 * this.ledSize; var ledHeight = 10 * this.ledSize; var top = this.rowEnableNodes[0].y - ledHeight / 2; var left = this.columnColorNodes[0].x - ledWidth / 2; var width = this.columns * ledWidth; var height = this.rows * ledHeight; var bottom = top + height; var right = left + width; var [w, h] = rotate(ledWidth * globalScope.scale, ledHeight * globalScope.scale, dir); var xoffset = Math.round(globalScope.ox + xx * globalScope.scale); var yoffset = Math.round(globalScope.oy + yy * globalScope.scale); for (var row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (var column = 0; column < columns; column++) { var color = colors[row][column] || 0; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16) + ',' + ((color & 0xFF00) >> 8) + ',' + (color & 0xFF) + ')'; [x1, y1] = rotate(left + column * ledWidth, top + row * ledHeight, dir); x1 = x1 * globalScope.scale; y1 = y1 * globalScope.scale; ctx.rect(xoffset + x1, yoffset + y1, w, h); ctx.fill(); } } if (this.showGrid) { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = '#323232'; ctx.lineWidth = correctWidth(1); rect2(ctx, left, top, width, height, xx, yy, dir); for (var x = left + ledWidth; x < right; x += ledWidth) { moveTo(ctx, x, top, xx, yy, dir); lineTo(ctx, x, bottom, xx, yy, dir); } for (var y = top + ledHeight; y < bottom; y += ledHeight) { moveTo(ctx, left, y, xx, yy, dir); lineTo(ctx, right, y, xx, yy, dir); } ctx.stroke(); } };