function constructNodeConnections(node, data) { for (var i = 0; i < data["connections"].length; i++) if (!node.connections.contains(node.scope.allNodes[data["connections"][i]])) node.connect(node.scope.allNodes[data["connections"][i]]); } //Fn to replace node by node @ index in global Node List - used when loading function replace(node, index) { if (index == -1) { return node; } var scope = node.scope; var parent = node.parent; parent.nodeList.clean(node); node.delete(); node = scope.allNodes[index]; node.parent = parent; parent.nodeList.push(node); node.updateRotation(); return node; } function extractBits(num, start, end) { return (num << (32 - end)) >>> (32 - (end - start + 1)); } function bin2dec(binString) { return parseInt(binString, 2); } function dec2bin(dec, bitWidth = undefined) { // only for positive nos var bin = (dec).toString(2); if (bitWidth == undefined) return bin; return '0'.repeat(bitWidth - bin.length) + bin; } //find Index of a node function findNode(x) { return x.scope.allNodes.indexOf(x); } function loadNode(data, scope) { var n = new Node(data["x"], data["y"], data["type"], scope.root, data["bitWidth"], data["label"]); } //get Node in index x in scope and set parent function extractNode(x, scope, parent) { var n = scope.allNodes[x]; n.parent = parent; return n; } //output node=1 //input node=0 //intermediate node =2 NODE_OUTPUT = 1; NODE_INPUT = 0; NODE_INTERMEDIATE = 2; function Node(x, y, type, parent, bitWidth = undefined, label = "") { // debugger // Should never raise, but just in case if(isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)){ this.delete(); showError("Fatal error occurred"); return; } forceResetNodes = true; this.objectType = "Node"; = 'node' + uniqueIdCounter; uniqueIdCounter++; this.parent = parent; if (type != 2 && this.parent.nodeList !== undefined) this.parent.nodeList.push(this); if (bitWidth == undefined) { this.bitWidth = parent.bitWidth; } else { this.bitWidth = bitWidth; } this.label = label; this.prevx = undefined; this.prevy = undefined; this.leftx = x; this.lefty = y; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.type = type; this.connections = new Array(); this.value = undefined; this.radius = 5; this.clicked = false; this.hover = false; this.wasClicked = false; this.scope = this.parent.scope; this.prev = 'a'; this.count = 0; this.highlighted = false; //This fn is called during rotations and setup this.refresh(); if (this.type == 2) this.parent.scope.nodes.push(this); this.parent.scope.allNodes.push(this); this.queueProperties = { inQueue: false, time: undefined, index: undefined, } } Node.prototype.propagationDelay = 0; Node.prototype.subcircuitOverride = false; Node.prototype.setLabel = function(label) { this.label = label; //|| ""; } Node.prototype.converToIntermediate = function() { this.type = 2; this.x = this.absX(); this.y = this.absY(); this.parent = this.scope.root; this.scope.nodes.push(this); } Node.prototype.startDragging = function() { this.oldx = this.x; this.oldy = this.y; } Node.prototype.drag = function() { this.x = this.oldx + simulationArea.mouseX - simulationArea.mouseDownX; this.y = this.oldy + simulationArea.mouseY - simulationArea.mouseDownY; } Node.prototype.saveObject = function() { if (this.type == 2) { this.leftx = this.x; this.lefty = this.y; } var data = { x: this.leftx, y: this.lefty, type: this.type, bitWidth: this.bitWidth, label: this.label, connections: [], } for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) { data["connections"].push(findNode(this.connections[i])); } return data; } Node.prototype.updateRotation = function() { var x, y; [x, y] = rotate(this.leftx, this.lefty, this.parent.direction); this.x = x; this.y = y; } Node.prototype.refresh = function() { this.updateRotation(); for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) { this.connections[i].connections.clean(this); } this.connections = []; } Node.prototype.absX = function() { return this.x + this.parent.x; } Node.prototype.absY = function() { return this.y + this.parent.y; } Node.prototype.updateScope = function(scope) { this.scope = scope; if (this.type == 2) this.parent = scope.root; } Node.prototype.isResolvable = function() { return this.value != undefined; } Node.prototype.reset = function() { this.value = undefined; this.highlighted = false; } Node.prototype.connect = function(n) { if (n == this) return; if (n.connections.contains(this)) return; var w = new Wire(this, n, this.parent.scope); this.connections.push(n); n.connections.push(this); updateCanvas = true; updateSimulation = true; scheduleUpdate(); } Node.prototype.connectWireLess = function(n) { if (n == this) return; if (n.connections.contains(this)) return; this.connections.push(n); n.connections.push(this); updateCanvas = true; updateSimulation = true; scheduleUpdate(); } Node.prototype.disconnectWireLess = function(n) { this.connections.clean(n); n.connections.clean(this); } Node.prototype.resolve = function() { // Remove Propogation of values (TriState) if (this.value == undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) { if (this.connections[i].value !== undefined) { this.connections[i].value = undefined; simulationArea.simulationQueue.add(this.connections[i]); } } if (this.type == NODE_INPUT) { if (this.parent.objectType == "Splitter") { this.parent.removePropagation(); } else if (this.parent.isResolvable()) simulationArea.simulationQueue.add(this.parent); else this.parent.removePropagation(); } if (this.type == NODE_OUTPUT && !this.subcircuitOverride) { if (this.parent.isResolvable() && !this.parent.queueProperties.inQueue) { if (this.parent.objectType == "TriState") { if (this.parent.state.value) simulationArea.simulationQueue.add(this.parent); } else { simulationArea.simulationQueue.add(this.parent); } } } return; } if (this.type == 0) { if (this.parent.isResolvable()) simulationArea.simulationQueue.add(this.parent); } for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) { let node = this.connections[i]; if (node.value != this.value) { if (node.type == 1 && node.value != undefined && node.parent.objectType != "TriState" && !(node.subcircuitOverride && node.scope != this.scope)) { this.highlighted = true; node.highlighted = true; showError("Contention Error: " + this.value + " and " + node.value); } else if (node.bitWidth == this.bitWidth || node.type == 2) { if (node.parent.objectType == "TriState" && node.value != undefined && node.type == 1) { if (node.parent.state.value) simulationArea.contentionPending.push(node.parent); } node.bitWidth = this.bitWidth; node.value = this.value; simulationArea.simulationQueue.add(node); } else { this.highlighted = true; node.highlighted = true; showError("BitWidth Error: " + this.bitWidth + " and " + node.bitWidth); } } } } Node.prototype.checkHover = function() { if (!simulationArea.mouseDown) { if (simulationArea.hover == this) { this.hover = this.isHover(); if (!this.hover) { simulationArea.hover = undefined; this.showHover = false; } } else if (!simulationArea.hover) { this.hover = this.isHover(); if (this.hover) { simulationArea.hover = this; } else { this.showHover = false; } } else { this.hover = false; this.showHover = false; } } } Node.prototype.draw = function() { if (this.type == 2) this.checkHover(); var ctx = simulationArea.context; if (this.clicked) { if (this.prev == 'x') { drawLine(ctx, this.absX(), this.absY(), simulationArea.mouseX, this.absY(), "black", 3); drawLine(ctx, simulationArea.mouseX, this.absY(), simulationArea.mouseX, simulationArea.mouseY, "black", 3); } else if (this.prev == 'y') { drawLine(ctx, this.absX(), this.absY(), this.absX(), simulationArea.mouseY, "black", 3); drawLine(ctx, this.absX(), simulationArea.mouseY, simulationArea.mouseX, simulationArea.mouseY, "black", 3); } else { if (Math.abs(this.x + this.parent.x - simulationArea.mouseX) > Math.abs(this.y + this.parent.y - simulationArea.mouseY)) { drawLine(ctx, this.absX(), this.absY(), simulationArea.mouseX, this.absY(), "black", 3); } else { drawLine(ctx, this.absX(), this.absY(), this.absX(), simulationArea.mouseY, "black", 3); } } } var color = "black"; if (this.bitWidth == 1) color = ["green", "lightgreen"][this.value]; if (this.value == undefined) color = "red"; if (this.type == 2) drawCircle(ctx, this.absX(), this.absY(), 3, color); else drawCircle(ctx, this.absX(), this.absY(), 3, "green"); if (this.highlighted || simulationArea.lastSelected == this || (this.isHover() && !simulationArea.selected && !simulationArea.shiftDown) || simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { ctx.strokeStyle = "green"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = 3; arc(ctx, this.x, this.y, 8, 0, Math.PI * 2, this.parent.x, this.parent.y, "RIGHT"); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); } if (this.hover || (simulationArea.lastSelected == this)) { if (this.showHover || simulationArea.lastSelected == this) { canvasMessageData = { x: this.absX(), y: this.absY() - 15 } if (this.type == 2) { var v = "X"; if (this.value !== undefined) v = this.value.toString(16); if (this.label.length) { canvasMessageData.string = this.label + " : " + v; } else { canvasMessageData.string = v; } } else if (this.label.length) { canvasMessageData.string = this.label; } } else { setTimeout(function() { if (simulationArea.hover) simulationArea.hover.showHover = true; canvasUpdate = true; renderCanvas(globalScope) }, 400); } } } Node.prototype.checkDeleted = function() { if (this.deleted) this.delete(); if (this.connections.length == 0 && this.type == 2) this.delete(); } Node.prototype.update = function() { if (embed) return; if (this == simulationArea.hover) simulationArea.hover = undefined; this.hover = this.isHover(); // M CONNECT NODE if (createNode) { if (this.absX() != this.prevx || this.absY() != this.prevy) { // Connect to any node this.prevx = this.absX(); this.prevy = this.absY(); this.nodeConnect(); } } if (this.hover) { simulationArea.hover = this; } if (createNode && ((this.hover && !simulationArea.selected) || simulationArea.lastSelected == this)) { simulationArea.selected = true; simulationArea.lastSelected = this; this.clicked = true; } else { this.clicked = false; } if (!this.wasClicked && this.clicked) { this.wasClicked = true; this.prev = 'a'; if (this.type == 2) { if (!simulationArea.shiftDown && simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { for (var i = 0; i < simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.length; i++) { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections[i].startDragging(); } } if (simulationArea.shiftDown) { simulationArea.lastSelected = undefined; if (simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.clean(this); } else { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.push(this); } } else { simulationArea.lastSelected = this; } } } else if (this.wasClicked && this.clicked) { if (!simulationArea.shiftDown && simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { for (var i = 0; i < simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.length; i++) { simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections[i].drag(); } } if (this.type == 2) { if (this.connections.length == 1 && this.connections[0].absX() == simulationArea.mouseX && this.absX() == simulationArea.mouseX) { this.y = simulationArea.mouseY - this.parent.y; this.prev = 'a'; return; } else if (this.connections.length == 1 && this.connections[0].absY() == simulationArea.mouseY && this.absY() == simulationArea.mouseY) { this.x = simulationArea.mouseX - this.parent.x; this.prev = 'a'; return; } if (this.connections.length == 1 && this.connections[0].absX() == this.absX() && this.connections[0].absY() == this.absY()) { this.connections[0].clicked = true; this.connections[0].wasClicked = true; simulationArea.lastSelected = this.connections[0]; this.delete(); return; } } if (this.prev == 'a' && distance(simulationArea.mouseX, simulationArea.mouseY, this.absX(), this.absY()) >= 10) { if (Math.abs(this.x + this.parent.x - simulationArea.mouseX) > Math.abs(this.y + this.parent.y - simulationArea.mouseY)) { this.prev = 'x'; } else { this.prev = 'y'; } } else if (this.prev == 'x' && this.absY() == simulationArea.mouseY) { this.prev = 'a'; } else if (this.prev == 'y' && this.absX() == simulationArea.mouseX) { this.prev = 'a'; } } else if (this.wasClicked && !this.clicked) { this.wasClicked = false; if (simulationArea.mouseX == this.absX() && simulationArea.mouseY == this.absY()) { return; // no new node situation } var x1, y1, x2, y2, flag = 0; var n1, n2; // (x,y) present node, (x1,y1) node 1 , (x2,y2) node 2 // n1 - node 1, n2 - node 2 // node 1 may or may not be there // flag = 0 - node 2 only // flag = 1 - node 1 and node 2 x2 = simulationArea.mouseX; y2 = simulationArea.mouseY; x = this.absX(); y = this.absY(); if (x != x2 && y != y2) { // Rare Exception Cases if (this.prev == 'a' && distance(simulationArea.mouseX, simulationArea.mouseY, this.absX(), this.absY()) >= 10) { if (Math.abs(this.x + this.parent.x - simulationArea.mouseX) > Math.abs(this.y + this.parent.y - simulationArea.mouseY)) { this.prev = 'x'; } else { this.prev = 'y'; } } flag = 1; if (this.prev == 'x') { x1 = x2; y1 = y; } else if (this.prev == 'y') { y1 = y2; x1 = x } } if (flag == 1) { for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.allNodes.length; i++) { if (x1 == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absX() && y1 == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absY()) { n1 = this.parent.scope.allNodes[i]; stopWire = true break; } } if (n1 == undefined) { n1 = new Node(x1, y1, 2, this.scope.root); for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.wires.length; i++) { if (this.parent.scope.wires[i].checkConvergence(n1)) { this.parent.scope.wires[i].converge(n1); break; } } } this.connect(n1); } for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.allNodes.length; i++) { if (x2 == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absX() && y2 == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absY()) { n2 = this.parent.scope.allNodes[i]; stopWire = true createNode = false break; } } if (n2 == undefined) { n2 = new Node(x2, y2, 2, this.scope.root); for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.wires.length; i++) { if (this.parent.scope.wires[i].checkConvergence(n2)) { this.parent.scope.wires[i].converge(n2); break; } } } if (flag == 0) this.connect(n2); else n1.connect(n2); if (simulationArea.lastSelected == this) simulationArea.lastSelected = n2; } if (this.type == 2 && createNode == false) { if (this.connections.length == 2) { if ((this.connections[0].absX() == this.connections[1].absX()) || (this.connections[0].absY() == this.connections[1].absY())) { this.connections[0].connect(this.connections[1]); this.delete(); } } else if (this.connections.length == 0) this.delete(); } } Node.prototype.delete = function() { updateSimulation = true; this.deleted = true; this.parent.scope.allNodes.clean(this); this.parent.scope.nodes.clean(this); this.parent.scope.root.nodeList.clean(this); // Hope this works! - Can cause bugs if (simulationArea.lastSelected == this) simulationArea.lastSelected = undefined; for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) { this.connections[i].connections.clean(this); this.connections[i].checkDeleted(); } wireToBeChecked = true; forceResetNodes = true; scheduleUpdate(); } Node.prototype.isClicked = function() { return this.absX() == simulationArea.mouseX && this.absY() == simulationArea.mouseY; } Node.prototype.isHover = function() { return this.absX() == simulationArea.mouseX && this.absY() == simulationArea.mouseY; } Node.prototype.nodeConnect = function() { var x = this.absX(); var y = this.absY(); var n; for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.allNodes.length; i++) { if (this != this.parent.scope.allNodes[i] && x == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absX() && y == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absY()) { n = this.parent.scope.allNodes[i]; if (this.type == 2) { for (var j = 0; j < this.connections.length; j++) { n.connect(this.connections[j]); } this.delete(); } else { this.connect(n); } break; } } if (n == undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.wires.length; i++) { if (this.parent.scope.wires[i].checkConvergence(this)) { var n = this; if (this.type != 2) { n = new Node(this.absX(), this.absY(), 2, this.scope.root); this.connect(n); } this.parent.scope.wires[i].converge(n); break; } } } } Node.prototype.cleanDelete = Node.prototype.delete; Node.prototype.processVerilog = function() { if (this.type == NODE_INPUT) { this.scope.stack.push(this.parent); } for (var i = 0; i < this.connections.length; i++) { if (this.connections[i].verilogLabel != this.verilogLabel) { this.connections[i].verilogLabel = this.verilogLabel; this.scope.stack.push(this.connections[i]); } } } // Kept for archival purposes // function oldNodeUpdate() { // // if (!this.clicked && !simulationArea.mouseDown) { // var px = this.prevx; // var py = this.prevy; // this.prevx = this.absX(); // this.prevy = this.absY(); // if (this.absX() != px || this.absY() != py) { // updated = true; // this.nodeConnect(); // return updated; // } // } // // var updated = false; // if (!simulationArea.mouseDown) this.hover = false; // if ((this.clicked || !simulationArea.hover) && this.isHover()) { // this.hover = true; // simulationArea.hover = this; // } else if (!simulationArea.mouseDown && this.hover && this.isHover() == false) { // if (this.hover) simulationArea.hover = undefined; // this.hover = false; // } // // if (simulationArea.mouseDown && (this.clicked)) { // // if (!simulationArea.shiftDown && simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { // for (var i = 0; i < simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.length; i++) { // simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections[i].drag(); // } // } // // if (this.type == 2) { // if (this.absX() == simulationArea.mouseX && this.absY() == simulationArea.mouseY) { // updated = false; // this.prev = 'a'; // } else if (this.connections.length == 1 && this.connections[0].absX() == simulationArea.mouseX && this.absX() == simulationArea.mouseX) { // this.y = simulationArea.mouseY - this.parent.y; // this.prev = 'a'; // updated = true; // } else if (this.connections.length == 1 && this.connections[0].absY() == simulationArea.mouseY && this.absY() == simulationArea.mouseY) { // this.x = simulationArea.mouseX - this.parent.x; // this.prev = 'a'; // updated = true; // } // if (this.connections.length == 1 && this.connections[0].absX() == this.absX() && this.connections[0].absY() == this.absY()) { // this.connections[0].clicked = true; // this.connections[0].wasClicked = true; // this.delete(); // updated = true; // } // } // if (this.prev == 'a' && distance(simulationArea.mouseX, simulationArea.mouseY, this.absX(), this.absY()) >= 10) { // if (Math.abs(this.x + this.parent.x - simulationArea.mouseX) > Math.abs(this.y + this.parent.y - simulationArea.mouseY)) { // this.prev = 'x'; // } else { // this.prev = 'y'; // } // } // } else if (simulationArea.mouseDown && !simulationArea.selected) { // simulationArea.selected = this.clicked = this.hover; // updated |= this.clicked; // this.prev = 'a'; // } else if (!simulationArea.mouseDown) { // if (this.clicked) simulationArea.selected = false; // this.clicked = false; // this.count = 0; // } // // if (this.clicked && !this.wasClicked) { // this.wasClicked = true; // if (!simulationArea.shiftDown && simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { // for (var i = 0; i < simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.length; i++) { // simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections[i].startDragging(); // } // } // // if (this.type == 2) { // if (simulationArea.shiftDown) { // simulationArea.lastSelected = undefined; // if (simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.contains(this)) { // simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.clean(this); // } else { // simulationArea.multipleObjectSelections.push(this); // } // } else { // simulationArea.lastSelected = this; // } // } // } // // if (this.wasClicked && !this.clicked) { // this.wasClicked = false; // // if (simulationArea.mouseX == this.absX() && simulationArea.mouseY == this.absY()) { // this.nodeConnect(); // return updated; // } // // var n, n1; // var x, y, x1, y1, flag = -1; // x1 = simulationArea.mouseX; // y1 = simulationArea.mouseY; // if (this.prev == 'x') { // x = x1; // y = this.absY(); // flag = 0; // } else if (this.prev == 'y') { // y = y1; // x = this.absX(); // flag = 1; // } // if (this.type == 'a') return; // this should never happen!! // // for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.allNodes.length; i++) { // if (x == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absX() && y == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absY()) { // n = this.parent.scope.allNodes[i]; // this.connect(n); // break; // } // } // // if (n == undefined) { // n = new Node(x, y, 2, this.scope.root); // this.connect(n); // for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.wires.length; i++) { // if (this.parent.scope.wires[i].checkConvergence(n)) { // this.parent.scope.wires[i].converge(n); // } // } // } // this.prev = 'a'; // // if (flag == 0 && (this.y + this.parent.y - simulationArea.mouseY) != 0) { // y = y1; // flag = 2; // } else if ((this.x + this.parent.x - simulationArea.mouseX) != 0 && flag == 1) { // x = x1; // flag = 2; // } // if (flag == 2) { // for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.allNodes.length; i++) { // if (x == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absX() && y == this.parent.scope.allNodes[i].absY()) { // n1 = this.parent.scope.allNodes[i]; // n.connect(n1); // break; // } // } // if (n1 == undefined) { // n1 = new Node(x, y, 2, this.scope.root); // n.connect(n1); // for (var i = 0; i < this.parent.scope.wires.length; i++) { // if (this.parent.scope.wires[i].checkConvergence(n1)) { // this.parent.scope.wires[i].converge(n1); // } // } // } // // } // updated = true; // // if (simulationArea.lastSelected == this) simulationArea.lastSelected = undefined; // } // // if (this.type == 2) { // if (this.connections.length == 2 && simulationArea.mouseDown == false) { // if ((this.connections[0].absX() == this.connections[1].absX()) || (this.connections[0].absY() == this.connections[1].absY())) { // this.connections[0].connect(this.connections[1]); // this.delete(); // } // } else if (this.connections.length == 0) this.delete(); // } // // // if (this.clicked && this.type == 2 && simulationArea.lastSelected == undefined) simulationArea.lastSelected = this; // return updated; // // // // }