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// Function used to change the zoom level wrt to a point
// fn to change scale (zoom) - It also shifts origin so that the position
// of the object in focus doesn't change
function changeScale(delta,xx,yy,method=1) {
// method = 3/2 - Zoom wrt center of screen
// method = 1 - Zoom wrt position of mouse
// Otherwise zoom wrt to selected object
xx =(width/2 - globalScope.ox) / globalScope.scale
yy = (height/2 - globalScope.oy) / globalScope.scale
else if(xx===undefined||yy===undefined||xx=='zoomButton'||yy=='zoomButton'){
if (simulationArea.lastSelected && simulationArea.lastSelected.objectType!="Wire") { // selected object
xx = simulationArea.lastSelected.x;
yy = simulationArea.lastSelected.y;
} else { //mouse location
xx = simulationArea.mouseX;
yy = simulationArea.mouseY;
else if(method==2){
xx =(width/2 - globalScope.ox) / globalScope.scale
yy = (height/2 - globalScope.oy) / globalScope.scale
var oldScale = globalScope.scale;
globalScope.scale = Math.max(0.5,Math.min(4*DPR,globalScope.scale+delta));
globalScope.scale = Math.round(globalScope.scale * 10) / 10;
globalScope.ox -= Math.round(xx * (globalScope.scale - oldScale)); // Shift accordingly, so that we zoom wrt to the selected point
globalScope.oy -= Math.round(yy * (globalScope.scale - oldScale));
// dots(true,false);
// MiniMap
if(!embed && !lightMode){
lastMiniMapShown = new Date().getTime();
//fn to draw Dots on screen
//the function is called only when the zoom level or size of screen changes.
// Otherwise for normal panning, the canvas itself is moved to give the illusion of movement
function dots(dots=true, transparentBackground=false,force=false) {
var scale = unit * globalScope.scale;
var ox = globalScope.ox % scale; //offset
var oy = globalScope.oy % scale; //offset
if(globalScope.scale==simulationArea.prevScale && !force)return;
var canvasWidth = backgroundArea.canvas.width; //max X distance
var canvasHeight = backgroundArea.canvas.height; //max Y distance
var ctx = backgroundArea.context;
if (!transparentBackground) {
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
ctx.rect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
var correction=0.5*(ctx.lineWidth%2);
for (var i = 0 ; i < canvasWidth; i += scale){
for (var j = 0 ; j < canvasHeight; j += scale){
return ;
// Old Code
// function drawPixel(x, y, r, g, b, a) {
// var index = (x + y * canvasWidth) * 4;
//[index + 0] = r;
//[index + 1] = g;
//[index + 2] = b;
//[index + 3] = a;
// }
// if (dots) {
// var canvasData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
// for (var i = 0 + ox; i < canvasWidth; i += scale)
// for (var j = 0 + oy; j < canvasHeight; j += scale)
// drawPixel(i, j, 0, 0, 0, 255);
// ctx.putImageData(canvasData, 0, 0);
// }
// Helper canvas API starts here
// All canvas functions are wrt to a center point (xx,yy),
// direction is used to abstract rotation of everything by a certain angle
// Possible values for direction = "RIGHT" (default), "LEFT", "UP", "DOWN"
function bezierCurveTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, xx, yy, dir) {
[x1, y1] = rotate(x1, y1, dir);
[x2, y2] = rotate(x2, y2, dir);
[x3, y3] = rotate(x3, y3, dir);
var ox = globalScope.ox;
var oy = globalScope.oy;
x1 *= globalScope.scale;
y1 *= globalScope.scale;
x2 *= globalScope.scale;
y2 *= globalScope.scale;
x3 *= globalScope.scale;
y3 *= globalScope.scale;
xx = xx * globalScope.scale;
yy = yy * globalScope.scale;
ctx.bezierCurveTo(Math.round(xx + ox + x1), Math.round(yy + oy + y1), Math.round(xx + ox + x2), Math.round(yy + oy + y2), Math.round(xx + ox + x3), Math.round(yy + oy + y3));
function moveTo(ctx, x1, y1, xx, yy, dir,bypass=false) {
var correction=0.5*(ctx.lineWidth%2);
[newX, newY] = rotate(x1, y1, dir);
newX = newX * globalScope.scale;
newY = newY * globalScope.scale;
xx = xx * globalScope.scale;
yy = yy * globalScope.scale;
ctx.moveTo(xx + globalScope.ox + newX,yy + globalScope.oy + newY);
ctx.moveTo(Math.round(xx + globalScope.ox + newX-correction)+correction, Math.round(yy + globalScope.oy + newY-correction)+correction);
function lineTo(ctx, x1, y1, xx, yy, dir) {
var correction=0.5*(ctx.lineWidth%2);
[newX, newY] = rotate(x1, y1, dir);
newX = newX * globalScope.scale;
newY = newY * globalScope.scale;
xx = xx * globalScope.scale;
yy = yy * globalScope.scale;
ctx.lineTo(Math.round(xx + globalScope.ox + newX-correction)+correction, Math.round(yy + globalScope.oy + newY-correction)+correction);
function arc(ctx, sx, sy, radius, start, stop, xx, yy, dir) {
//ox-x of origin, xx- x of element , sx - shift in x from element
var correction=0.5*(ctx.lineWidth%2);
[Sx, Sy] = rotate(sx, sy, dir);
Sx = Sx * globalScope.scale;
Sy = Sy * globalScope.scale;
xx = xx * globalScope.scale;
yy = yy * globalScope.scale;
radius *= globalScope.scale;
[newStart, newStop, counterClock] = rotateAngle(start, stop, dir);
ctx.arc(Math.round(xx + globalScope.ox + Sx+correction)-correction, Math.round(yy + globalScope.oy + Sy+correction)-correction, Math.round(radius), newStart, newStop, counterClock);
function arc2(ctx, sx, sy, radius, start, stop, xx, yy, dir) {
//ox-x of origin, xx- x of element , sx - shift in x from element
var correction=0.5*(ctx.lineWidth%2);
[Sx, Sy] = rotate(sx, sy, dir);
Sx = Sx * globalScope.scale;
Sy = Sy * globalScope.scale;
xx = xx * globalScope.scale;
yy = yy * globalScope.scale;
radius *= globalScope.scale;
[newStart, newStop, counterClock] = rotateAngle(start, stop, dir);
var pi = 0;
pi = Math.PI;
ctx.arc(Math.round(xx + globalScope.ox + Sx +correction)-correction, Math.round(yy + globalScope.oy + Sy + correction)-correction, Math.round(radius), newStart + pi, newStop + pi);
function drawCircle2(ctx, sx, sy, radius, xx, yy, dir) { //ox-x of origin, xx- x of element , sx - shift in x from element
[Sx, Sy] = rotate(sx, sy, dir);
Sx = Sx * globalScope.scale;
Sy = Sy * globalScope.scale;
xx = xx * globalScope.scale;
yy = yy * globalScope.scale;
radius *= globalScope.scale;
ctx.arc(Math.round(xx + globalScope.ox + Sx), Math.round(yy + globalScope.oy + Sy), Math.round(radius), 0, 2*Math.PI);
function rect(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var correction=0.5*(ctx.lineWidth%2)
x1 = x1 * globalScope.scale;
y1 = y1 * globalScope.scale;
x2 = x2 * globalScope.scale;
y2 = y2 * globalScope.scale;
ctx.rect(Math.round(globalScope.ox + x1-correction)+correction, Math.round(globalScope.oy + y1-correction)+correction, Math.round(x2),Math.round( y2));
function rect2(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, xx, yy, dir="RIGHT") {
var correction = 0.5*(ctx.lineWidth%2);
[x1, y1] = rotate(x1, y1, dir);
[x2, y2] = rotate(x2, y2, dir);
x1 = x1 * globalScope.scale;
y1 = y1 * globalScope.scale;
x2 = x2 * globalScope.scale;
y2 = y2 * globalScope.scale;
xx *= globalScope.scale;
yy *= globalScope.scale;
ctx.rect(Math.round(globalScope.ox + xx + x1-correction)+correction, Math.round(globalScope.oy + yy + y1-correction)+correction, Math.round(x2), Math.round(y2));
function rotate(x1, y1, dir) {
if (dir == "LEFT")
return [-x1, y1];
else if (dir == "DOWN")
return [y1, x1];
else if (dir == "UP")
return [y1, -x1];
return [x1, y1];
function correctWidth(w){
return Math.max(1,Math.round(w*globalScope.scale));
function rotateAngle(start, stop, dir) {
if (dir == "LEFT")
return [start, stop, true];
else if (dir == "DOWN")
return [start - Math.PI / 2, stop - Math.PI / 2, true];
else if (dir == "UP")
return [start - Math.PI / 2, stop - Math.PI / 2, false];
return [start, stop, false];
function drawLine(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, width) {
x1 *= globalScope.scale;
y1 *= globalScope.scale;
x2 *= globalScope.scale;
y2 *= globalScope.scale;
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.lineWidth = correctWidth(width);//*globalScope.scale;
var correction = 0.5*(ctx.lineWidth%2);
var hCorrection=0;
var vCorrection=0;
ctx.moveTo(Math.round(x1 + globalScope.ox+hCorrection)-hCorrection, Math.round(y1 + globalScope.oy+vCorrection)-vCorrection);
ctx.lineTo(Math.round(x2 + globalScope.ox+hCorrection)-hCorrection,Math.round(y2 + globalScope.oy+vCorrection)-vCorrection);
// Checks if string color is a valid color using a hack
function validColor(color){
var $div = $("<div>");
$div.css("border", "1px solid "+color);
return ($div.css("border-color")!="")
// Helper function to color "RED" to RGBA
function colorToRGBA(color) {
var cvs, ctx;
cvs = document.createElement('canvas');
cvs.height = 1;
cvs.width = 1;
ctx = cvs.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
return ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data;
function drawCircle(ctx, x1, y1, r, color) {
x1 = x1 * globalScope.scale;
y1 = y1 * globalScope.scale;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.arc(Math.round(x1 + globalScope.ox), Math.round(y1 + globalScope.oy), Math.round(r*globalScope.scale), 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
// To show message like values, node name etc
function canvasMessage(ctx,str,x1,y1,fontSize=10){
ctx.font = Math.round(fontSize * globalScope.scale) + "px Georgia";
ctx.textAlign = "center"
var width=ctx.measureText(str).width/globalScope.scale+8;
var height=13;
rect(ctx,x1 -width/2 , y1 -height/2-3, width, height);
ctx.shadowColor = '#999';
ctx.shadowBlur = 10;
ctx.shadowOffsetX = 3;
ctx.shadowOffsetY = 3;
x1 = x1 * globalScope.scale;
y1 = y1 * globalScope.scale;
ctx.fillText(str, Math.round(x1 + globalScope.ox), Math.round( y1 + globalScope.oy));
function fillText(ctx, str, x1, y1, fontSize = 20) {
x1 = x1 * globalScope.scale;
y1 = y1 * globalScope.scale;
ctx.font = Math.round(fontSize * globalScope.scale) + "px Georgia";
ctx.fillText(str, Math.round(x1 + globalScope.ox), Math.round( y1 + globalScope.oy));
function fillText2(ctx, str, x1, y1, xx, yy, dir) {
angle = {
"RIGHT": 0,
"LEFT": 0,
"DOWN": Math.PI / 2,
"UP": -Math.PI / 2,
x1 = x1 * globalScope.scale;
y1 = y1 * globalScope.scale;
[x1, y1] = rotate(x1, y1, dir);
xx = xx * globalScope.scale;
yy = yy * globalScope.scale;
ctx.font = Math.round(14 * globalScope.scale) + "px Georgia";;
ctx.translate( Math.round(xx + x1 + globalScope.ox), Math.round( yy + y1 + globalScope.oy));
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.fillText(str, 0, Math.round(4 * globalScope.scale)*(1-0*(+(dir=="DOWN"))));
function fillText4(ctx, str, x1, y1, xx, yy, dir,fontSize=14,textAlign="center") {
angle = {
"RIGHT": 0,
"LEFT": 0,
"DOWN": Math.PI / 2,
"UP": -Math.PI / 2,
x1 = x1 * globalScope.scale;
y1 = y1 * globalScope.scale;
[x1, y1] = rotate(x1, y1, dir);
xx = xx * globalScope.scale;
yy = yy * globalScope.scale;
ctx.font = Math.round(fontSize * globalScope.scale) + "px Georgia";
// ctx.font = 20+"px Georgia";
ctx.textAlign = textAlign;
ctx.fillText(str,xx+x1+globalScope.ox,yy+y1+globalScope.oy+ Math.round(fontSize/3 * globalScope.scale));
function fillText3(ctx, str, x1, y1, xx = 0, yy = 0, fontSize = 14, font = "Georgia", textAlign = "center") {
x1 = x1 * globalScope.scale;
y1 = y1 * globalScope.scale;
xx = xx * globalScope.scale;
yy = yy * globalScope.scale;
ctx.font = Math.round(fontSize * globalScope.scale) + "px " + font;
ctx.textAlign = textAlign;
ctx.fillText(str, Math.round( xx + x1 + globalScope.ox), Math.round( yy + y1 + globalScope.oy));
oppositeDirection = {
"DOWN": "UP",
"UP": "DOWN",
fixDirection = {
"right": "LEFT",
"left": "RIGHT",
"down": "UP",
"up": "DOWN",
"UP": "UP",